
Monday, June 15, 2009

Kick Pleats

Blouse and cami, Forever 21. Skirt, Talbot’s. Pumps, Colin Stuart. Bag, Nicole Lee. Earrings and brooch, swap.

Today was my first day back at the office with my new hair. (My hair appointment was at 5 p.m. last Friday. The outfit photo from that day shows the new hair, but I still had a long red ponytail at work.) Dealing with everyone’s reactions was exhausting. Best comments:

“That better be a wig. Tell me that’s a wig.”
“You look like Mary Martin. From Peter Pan.”

I appreciated the originality. Mostly, there was lots of gasping, shocked expressions, and squealing.

This skirt has kickpleats, but they aren’t obvious in still photos, so I jumped around.
By the way. . .these are
not jumping shoes.


  1. Love the color combo of the blues and greens. The blond hair "goes" well with the color combo. I definitely think red would have clashed. LOL!
    Some people just don't understand having FUN with their hair.

  2. I adore your site and love everything about it ( I am one of those silent admirers) but I can honestly tell you that I still did get used to your new color. I am not saying its bad, it is just different. :D
    Since I started my work I have been wearing glasses, it happened to me few times that I forgot them. Every time my boss sent me out home!!!! because when he looked at me he would say that I look really bad and should go home take a rest!! Thats a reaction you dont want to have :)

    Have a great day and please keep up an awesome work - you are a real inspiration. :D

  3. i love the combination of colors you put together today! my hair tends to be a little much for people when i get it done too. usually i just tell them "oh it always looks funny the first week or two! it'll fade!"

    i work with a bunch of retired teachers so the comments are always forthcoming. some of them ask me if i think i'm a clown or a rainbow, and the answer is always...YES. ;)

  4. Love this outfit. Love the hair (a lot). Hate people who can't just chill out when someone gets a new do. Get over it people! I'm talking about your coworkers, not your awesome blog readers.

  5. I wondered what the reaction at your work would be. I can't believe someone made the wig comment. I can see how they'd all be shocked though, because it's such a big change and really changes your appearance. They'll get used to it, and it'll be old news within days, I bet. :)

    Cute outfit. The green shoes really bring out green tones in the skirt, which I always thought looked more tan before.

  6. oooooooohhhhh GURL. Those colors look SUPER with your new hair!

    I think it's going to be so fun to see items I recognize with the new hair.

  7. HAHAHAHAHA!~ Cindde is not just a clown OR a rainbow BTW, she is a Rainbow Clown. Just so everyone knows.

  8. you are adorable no matter what !!!
    from a mom who has 3 daughters your age :)you go grrl
    we love your style and enjoy your blog very very much !!!

  9. I love the blue and green together - so pretty!

    I always enjoy the comments from people when I change my hair drastically. It's just hair, people, get over it. It grows.

  10. I love your style and visit your blog almost every day. I think your new hairstyle is sassy. However, I am not sure about the new color. It is very brave of you to come up with such a dramatic change. It must be so much fun to face the reactions and just being a new you!

    In my humble opinion, red suited you better. I think a darker color or shade gives a better contrast to your skin and frames your face better. The red looked more vibrant on you. The new color blends in with your face and skin complexion. The color red said: LOOK AT MY HAIR! HAHH! The blond seems to be a bit like a camouflage to me. I am thinking of a scarf or something with a great contrasting color, just to make your new color as demanding for attention as your old one.

    Since you are so good at picking the right color combos, much better I'll ever be, I am sure you will come up with countless great new vibrant accessories for your hair. It will be great to see them.

  11. Anonymous11:18 AM

    People can be so ruthless with hair comments! Eesh.

    Love that gorgeous blouse. And the bright shoes are such a fun touch.

  12. Kasmira, can I ask you how you feel about your new hair? That is what matters.

    On my screen your new hair color looks different for each entry. On the latest photos it looks almost white. Yesterday entry shows it more blond.

  13. I used to go back and forth between red and brown hair and I always found it interesting how different my clothes looked with the two colors. It's almost like having a new wardrobe since everything will look different now. Enjoy the fun!

  14. Lovin the hair <3! And those heels are crazy cute. Check out my blog :O)<33333

  15. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Still a thumbs up from me on the hair.

    Can I say something about the skirt? I'm not huge on Talbot's, but I have to admit to looking on eBay more than once for your skirt. The color is lovely, and the pleats have an incredible vintage quality that I dig

    I never did find it. I wasn't sure if yours was still in rotation since you hadn't posted an outfit featuring it for some time.

  16. The new haircut is great. When I first went blonde, my color was a lot like yours, and it was fun. (I have since gone to a darker shade of blonde.) My one suggestion for you would be to consider lightening your eyebrows. It can really make the overall look seem more natural and flattering. In any case, it's fun to experiment, and I enjoy seeing your fashion adventures.

  17. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I love your blouse :).

  18. maria - I LOVE my new hair. And you're right....that's all that matters.

    The shade differences you've noticed are just due to lighting.

    rosemary west - I actually darken my brows. I like the contrast.

  19. Wow! Love what you've done with your hair!
    So stylish!
    The blue blouse is absolutely cute!

  20. I love the colors in your outfit today but think they look especially good with the new hair color- they really stand out!

    Perhaps the jump test should be included along with the twirl test when trying on new skirts....

  21. The rudeness of people never ceases to amaze me. I'm sorry you had to deal with some negative comments at work. You should've heard the comments I got whe I was pregnant. LOL! I think the hair is great and love today's outfit!

  22. GAH! You're so flippin' fabulous it hurts! I'm glad I'm going shopping tomorrow, because I'm suddenly feeling my wardrobe is woefully inadequate. =P

  23. Down right adorable! Do the kitties recognize you?

  24. I like your outfit, as usual. While I admit the hair was a bit of a shock, I think it is very flattering on you! You looked great as a red head, but you look very sophisticated with the blonde bob. I feel pretty inspired to get my hair bobbed as well, but I could never pull off the blonde like you do!

  25. I want your wardrobe! or rather just an inch of your style... I'm working on it!

  26. Nice hair (serious: it shapes your face perfectly), and nice shirring on that blouse too.

  27. I love the brooch on the skirt! I think i might steal that idea...:P

  28. See you are all ready able to rock new color combos and looks because of new hair color. Peter Pan..seriously?? Wow...that is orginal and rude.=(

    You look darling, they can eat it.=)

    LOooooove those green shoes

  29. Your hair looks FAB! I love it, but that is not what counts. If you love it, then go for it. You ROCK!

  30. Well, in case there was any doubt in your mind, your signature bright colors still work wonderfully with the blonde hair!

  31. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Oh My!!! I have been following your blog for over a year now and your new hairstyle is the best surprise EVER. I love it on you. Your skin looks amazing and the color makes you look so youthful. :)

  32. Great use of color.

    That's a great cut, but I gasped when I saw it. I'm so partial to red hair.

  33. I LOVE this outfit!!!! :)


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