
Sunday, June 07, 2009

There Was No BBQ Sauce

Tank, Express. Shorts, NY & Co. Flipflops, SM. Cardigan, Juicy Couture (swap). Necklace, Pangaea. Bicycle, Schwinn.

I spent the morning making Asian Coleslaw and Nanaimo Bars for the two BBQs I’ve been invited to attend today. Oh, excuse, me, grill-outs, not barbeques. I’ve been told that it isn’t a BBQ if there is no barbeque sauce involved. Silly Midwestern dialect.

I rode my bike to the first grill-out, with my coleslaw (not pictured) strapped to the rear rack.

Of course, I always wear my helmet! (But it doesn’t always match.)


  1. You look soo cute! i love your sporty and very springy outfit.
    Riding bikes is cool! hope you enjoyed your bbq :)

  2. Your hair looks fabulous!

  3. I had no idea anyone else even knew about Naniamo bars!!! I grew up with my grandma making them, and now that she's gone we still make them every Christmas as a family tradition. They are FABULOUS! Did they turn out for you?

  4. I know what Nanaimo bars are! I have in fact BEEN TO NANAIMO (look it up - I live near there). I hope you pronounce it right (speaking of Midwestern dialects): it's Nuh-NYE-mo.

    I love the casual outfits you've been posting lately! You look super!

  5. I figured that barebque stood for the type of food cooked, on a barbebque(sp?) grill. Soooo by calling it a BBQ you are refering to the type of cooking not the sauce. I say use it still.=) I actually call them beerbbq's...since adult beverages are usually there.

  6. I went to school in Bellingham, Washington, so Canada (and Nanaimo) were right next door. The bars are a popular confection from Seattle on north.

    If you haven't had nanaimo bars...try the recipe. It's SUPER easy and there is no baking required, so they're great for a hot summer day when you'd rather not turn on the oven.

  7. I'm always excited when I see Americans know what Nanaimo bars are. They are my absolute favorite thing EVER!

    And as always, you look adorable. Definitely ready for a BBQ (and I call them BBQs whether there is sauce involved or not).

    Christine from Alberta

  8. My husband and I recently rode to a BBQ with pasta salad strapped to the back of his bike, and beer strapped to the back of mine. Dang, now you're making me wish that I had taken a picture.


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