
Friday, August 07, 2009

Where the Lady Deer Hang Their Purses

I’m sure this is going to horrify some people, but my new bracelet storage system is a pair of antlers.

I had originally planned to spray paint the set a glossy white, but decided that a natural look would better complimented the oiled teak furniture in the room.

As with other pieces of your wardrobe, if you can’t see your accessories, you are not likely to wear them. The antlers prettily display all my bangles. Necklaces are hung on the other side of the door. My brooch collection is now pinned to a strip of fabric tacked up inside the door as well. (I don't have a photo of the brooch strip, yet.) My earrings are kept in a box, with the exception of the delicate feathered pairs. They hang from the perforations of a lampshade. A glass hand wears my rings.

Most of the pictures was taken before the antlers, brooch strip, and the glass hand. I had rings, bracelets, and pins stashed all over the place.


  1. I simply adore the colour combinations of your jewellery and bedroom and vibrant. And I have no problem with the antlers...I think it's a good idea! :-)

  2. Organization is definitely important for accessories. I like how you used the deer antlers - and they naturally shed their antlers every year anyhow, so it's not like a deer was killed for your jewelry display.

    I think I'm going to try your brooch solution.

  3. thats is such a clever idea!
    and you're right, if you dont see the accessories, you dont wear them. that happens to me.i'm always with the same bracelets, brooches and necklaces cause i keep them all in a big box, and only the top ones get my attention.
    i have to find a way to do what you did with yours!

  4. Love it! And so true, if you can't see them, you won't wear them.

  5. your bedroom and objects-de-art
    are exceptionally beautiful.
    frankly I like the idea of the
    bracelets on the antlers.
    loving this blog!

  6. Love the antlers and the hand. I too keep everything out in the open or I will forget that I have them.

  7. I love your jewelry and storage! My solution is far simpler, I just stick pins in a cork board and hang things form them.

  8. Anonymous9:28 PM

    I love this... it is kind of his and hers only really making it easier for her. I am not sure my dad would approve if I took a set from his wall to live with me, but the antlers rock AND you are in Ohio - they love that stuff*.

    *I am originally from Ohio - small Amish community. :)

  9. Love the antlers! They do look a tad bit dangerous, though -- I hope you didn't hang them at eye level!

  10. OH MY Gosh!!! I'm speechless, simply amazing! (in a good way) I'm telling you Amazing!!

  11. Your jewelry looks like art in the room, and I simply adore that vivid purple you have on the wall! Pretty!!

  12. The deer antlers are HILARIOUS!

  13. I love the antlers! This from a woman who has a bear head on her wall (we ate the bear meat, I didn't kill it, it was a gift).

    I love your eclectic decorating style - I'm very visually oriented, so I need to see all my stuff (my jewelry boxes lend themselves well to this, so I'm covered).

  14. Anonymous3:17 AM

    your jewelry is so nicely and lovingly arranged. beautiful pictures :)

  15. Here in the deep south no one would even think to get offended by any and all uses of antlers (or other animal body parts). Down here we just call that nifty 'n thrifty!

  16. Just out of curiousity, how do you store your headbands? I have yet to find a good way to do so!

  17. Megan - I don't have a good storage system for my headbands, but I've had an idea I've wanted to execute for a long time. I'll share it with you when I do.

  18. This is the first time I comment, but I've been following you for a few months now. I had to tell you that I think the antlers are fabulous and it is my new mission to find a pair of my own!

  19. Gosh, am I glad I didn't sell those deer antlers at a garage sale! I'll be dusting them off this weekend and hanging them up. Thanks, Kasmira!


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