
Thursday, November 05, 2009


I got a Snuggie for my birthday! I wore it around the house last night, along with the sleeping mask I also received.

I’m eating Turkish Delight in the first picture. I’ve been curious about this mysterious candy since reading about it in Eight Cousins as a girl. My verdict: it’s kind of like a cross between an Aplet/Cotlet and mochi. If you don’t know what either of those things is, then I can’t help you. You’ll have to go to TJ Maxx and buy your own bag.

A Snuggie can be scary…or sexy. You decide.

From the commercials, it isn’t clear whether the Snuggie can be wrapped all the way around the body. When you get up from the couch, does your ass freeze in the breeze?

The answer: it depends on the size of your bottom. The Snuggie is one size fits all, so it may or may not cover your backside.


  1. Friends bought me one for my birthday as a joke because I always made fun of Snuggies. Now I won't take it off if I'm on the couch. It's really just a backwards robe.

  2. I always think of Narnia when I hear Turkish Delight...

  3. I so want a Snuggie! A long time ago I dreamed up a blanket that had sleeves so I could read while keeping my upper body warm. And then the Snuggie (and Slanket, and whatever else) came along. Must get myself one!

  4. You're hilarious - I love your "scary" picture! I often wear my XXL robe (the size I used to wear) backwards on the couch, particularly on Sunday when I watch football all day.

    Have you ever tried a Big Turk chocolate bar? It's basically Turkish Delight without the icing sugar coating, but covered in chocolate. It's really good. Mmmm...

  5. Ha, what fun. You make anything look good.

  6. What you get as Turkish Delight in the US is nothing close to the actual thing. I could maybe send you a box of real authenticated Turkish delight (lokum is the Turkish name for it. Obviously we don't call it Turkish delight). Happy belated B-day, by the way.

  7. Your bedroom looks inspired by Turkey, too! Very beautiful headboard. I love the ornate, almost ecclesiastical look it has.


  8. Anonymous1:09 PM

    turkish delight tastes like soup to me. but it always makes me think of 'the lion, the witch and the wardrobe.' cute pics.

  9. Wow, I may need one of those ! It makes my oversized peach house coat look slinky.

    Ahh, turkish delight... another thing to put on the list of things I need to buy!

  10. I wanted a Snuggie so badly last year but I'm very happy I waited, what with all the different colors to choose from now. Love the green!

  11. I was always fascinated with Turkish Delight from Narnia, too. I finally got some lokum and was disappointed.

  12. Not a fan of snuggie but love Turkish delight!
    I very much like your bedroom décor. The screen and dressing table are just gorgeous.

  13. This is quite hilarious.

    Look out, I hear they can build up a lot of static!

    Adorable photos.

  14. No! Not another snuggie convert! I love your style and have poured over many of your blogs since discovering it a few days ago. (Where have I been!?)
    But now here you are in a snuggie... the epitome of a gag gift.
    Please tell me you won't wear it to a ballgame like the people in the commercial.

  15. Are you sure that isn't the more original and very much higher quality Slanket?? The tag on your sleeve looks like the Slanket.

    The Snuggie is a knock-off.

    Slanketlover P. Snuggiehater

  16. BWAHAHAHA! This was too funny!

    Turkish Delight is super yummy! I always buy it from North Park Produce. A ton of their stuff is imported =)

  17. The Devilwoman - I promise not to wear my Snuggie out of the house. Unless I'm invited to a Snuggie Party.

    Deena - I had no idea of the Snuggie v Slanket competition. If the Snuggie is a Slanket knockoff, then they've copied the label placement as well. It does say "Snuggie!"

  18. I can hardly believe it! A SNUGGIE?! Kasmira! Gasp!

    Congrats on the shout out from :-) How thrilling to get some coverage!

  19. Can't believe I just saw this post on! How fun!

  20. I love your bedroom! I still can't get on board with the snuggie, though.


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