
Sunday, December 06, 2009

I <3 Kittens

Following your recommendations, I gave the very short houndstooth dress another try today. I wore it with peggings (pants-like leggings) tucked into boots.

Dress/tunic, vintage (via swap). Peggings, Bongo. Boots, Diba. Long-sleeved tee, Forever 21. Gloves, Mossimo. Hat, World Market.

In case you haven’t noticed, I heart this hat and these convertible mittens.

I also heart these boots and wear them all the time.

As ya’ll suggested, I tried belting the dress. I did not heart this look:

If you’ve made it this far in the post, you must be dying to hear about the kittens I heart. Here, they are….my new babies, Walt and Roy.

That last picture will open a very large version if you click it. Walt’s tongue is sticking out!


  1. The cuteness! I love kittens...which is why I have four cats. Your dress looks good, too. I think the thinner layers underneath it helped make it look less bulky.

  2. Holy Moly they're cute! Does this bring the kitten tally up to seven?!? (If so, I'm so jealous.)

  3. you dress so cute ... i like it better sans the belt, too. btw, i also heart the kittens!

  4. Like the Disneys? Great names! I love old man names for little kittens.

  5. Are those Russian Blues? They are adorable!!

  6. oh my goodness. such cute cute kitties.

    Cute outfit. I think you totally rock out the tunic/dress!

  7. I don't heart the dress, but I do heart those kitties! Did you name them after Walt and Roy Disney?

    Okay, my grinchy heart has grown from looking at kittens. I like the dress. ;)

  8. KITTENS!!!!!!! bebeh kitteeeeeeeeeen

    Wait there was an outfit on this page?? I only see KITTENNNNNNNNNNNS
    how many kittehs do you have now. What ever number it is I AM JEALOUS.

  9. I wanted to get my husband a kitten for Christmas, but we're moving soon, so I can't :( But looking at yours makes me smile! I was going to look at Siameses, but you've given me the grey bug!

    Anyway, I still think it's a cute dress. Skip the belt, you have the body to carry it off blousy. I love it.


  10. I love the dress on the you, but you're obviously not convinced about it. ;) ...and yes, the kittens are so so cute. :D

  11. I like what you did with the dress! With and without the belt. But those kittens .... good thing you did them last or else no one would have gotten to the outfit. SO CUTE!!! My cat is all gray and I just love it.

  12. Love those cute, cute kitties! So what's the decision on the dress/tunic? Are you keeping it? I think it looks fantastic on you here.

  13. KITTENS!! I was going to say something about your outfit, but KITTENS!! How many cats do you have now? Please say more than 9, and give me ammo for guilting my husband into letting us adopt a KITTEN!! Where'd you find them?

    Did you name them after the Disney brothers? That's fantastic!!

  14. First off, I absolutely love the dress and I think it's very flattering. Second, I love kittens as well! Walt and Roy are ADORABLENESS PERSONIFIED! :)

  15. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Oh my. The cute is HURTING me!

  16. This brings the kitteh total to four. I lost two this summer/spring and my soon-to-be ex-husband moved another out with him.

    The kittens are "mutts." Their mother actually looks a lot like a gray and white version of my cat Zoro. She has a medium coat with long hair on her tail. Her fur is gray and her tummy is white.

    The kittens are from an Indiana farm that advertised the kittens on Craigslist.

    They ARE named after Walt and Roy Disney.

    Oh, yeah, the dress. I'm going to wear it a few times this winter and then swap it away. It's cute, but would look better on someone a bit more gamine than myself.

  17. Thank God I didn't get my two sweet cats until after I was divorced and single again or I would have to stay married to the old bore not to part with my cats. I hope he adores the one he took and vice versa.
    PS. LOVE the houndstooth. I think the short sleeves and where they hit the bustline are kind of odd. But you are rocking it, girl.

  18. It sounds like you've had a lot to deal with lately- I hope you're doing okay! I hope those babies bring MOUNTAINS of joy to you!

  19. I like the dress with the leggings and boots--not so much belted.

    What sweet kittens! They're adorable. I love when you can see their tongues sticking out. Re: your divorce, I'd never thought about my husband potentially taking a cat with him if we broke up. Horrors!

  20. What cuties!!!

    I think the dress looks great, glad to see you are giving it a go a few more times at least.

  21. KITTIES! So cute! Did you try a skinny black or red belt with that dress? Or maybe pinning the back with a brooch to fit it?

  22. Zoro's eyes are gorgeous!! and Walt and Roy are ADORABLE!!!!!

    the dress is cute, but it doesn't seem to be "you". know what i mean?

  23. I think you look great! And those kittens are SOOOOOOOO cute!! :D

  24. I like the dress with the peggings. And those kittens are just too adorable.

  25. Kittens are soooooo cute!!!!!!
    You are right, belted is a NONO, but I like it with the peggins...

  26. The kittens are the perfect shade of gray.

  27. Congratulations on your new furbaby adoption... they are so perfectly adorable! It's so great that you got siblings. My sweet boys are littermates, and they're just so cute as a pair.

  28. Love the dress as worn here.

    The kittens are adorable!!

    Sorry to hear about your pending divorce. My ex wasn't interested in taking the cats, so fortunately I got both of them after my divorce.


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