
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Two Scarves

I couldn’t decide whether to accessorize this simple skirt and sweater combo with a rectangular leopard print scarf or a paisley square. Instead of choosing one or the other, I decided to wear both.

Sweater, Laura Leigh Ltd. Skirt, Mossimo. Tights, Target. Leopard scarf, so old I don’t remember. Paisley scarf, Camp Foster PX (embellished by me). Zipper bracelet, Urban Outfitters. Peeptoes, BCBGeneration.

I’m really digging this pattern mix.

Oh.....and kittens!


  1. I like this! And I covet those shoes!!! They're hot.

    And kittehs! They're SO adorable!

  2. Awesome mix of patterns- love it!

  3. We have cats that look just like your kitties ... They are Echo and Sophie! Love them!

    and the names ... Walt is my husband's name and his dad is ROY!
    couldn't have picked better names!

    OH, I like the 2 scarves!

  4. Those kittens are so cute. I die.

  5. Only you Kasmira would wear two scarves and look totally fabulous. I love it!

    But Walt and Roy still the show. I hope to see them in many more of your posts.

  6. love ur total look :)

  7. Cute kitties. The scarves look great together but I LOVE the shoes!

  8. That combination of pattern scarves looks amazing. I have seen mixing two solid ones but never two patterns. Well here is the proof: it works!
    Might try it some day myself.
    Also new kittens are just adorable. Congrats for becoming a new mommy!
    May I ask how the other cats are reacting to these two?

  9. I'm loving this look and the gratuitous kitten shots!! Complete cuteness!

  10. Those shoes just kill me...oh, I am so looking forward to being able to buy new shoes again!

    Love those patterns together - leopard goes with everything!

    Kitties! Aw....

  11. every time you wear those shoes i die a little bit - they're amazing! bcbg is one of my favorite brands (dresses and shoes!)

    i'm also going to agree with everyone else and say the kitties are adorable!

    i'm already turning into a little bit of a cat lady...

  12. Those kittens are SO cute!! You must be having so much fun :o)

  13. Oh my goodness please show more of the kittens!!!

    ps. cute shoes.

  14. Anonymous1:44 AM

    wow, you have a great blog, i love all your outfits.

  15. Always accessorize with kittens! ;)

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. I'm going to run to my scarf basket and try this! What a great idea! The shoes definitely "pop" - or is that expression already passe?

  18. Anonymous6:34 AM

    wow, normally I strongly dislike all leopard print so I'm super impressed by this outfit because I LOVE it! even the leopard print!
    I read your blog every day and it really inspires me :) keep it up :)

    and zomgz ... kittens!!

  19. I love how you wore the two scarves together - it really makes them the centerpiece of the outfit.

    And the kittens? SQUEE! So freakin adorable!

  20. Great idea, using both scarves. Your outfit looks wonderful.
    I love those shoes too!!

    Super cute kitties. I love the blue eyes. We have a white cat with blue eyes.

  21. Anonymous9:33 AM

    They make a fantastic scarf-y mash-up.

  22. Those scarves really pull the outfit together. :)

    Seriously, it so works- you have that effortlessly sharp look today.

    And I saw the kittens yesterday, and I so, so covet! I've been wanting a kitten for ages, even though my two boys in my apartment are more than enough. Congratulations on the new additions- they are very cute!

  23. You're a bad influence, feeding my cat lady tendencies! We just adopted a new little black kitten, and I already want more! Darn you!

    Love the red shoes!

  24. I *heart* this look. Love the color combos and especially the peep toes :)

  25. Zoro and Sammy are reacting well to the kittens. I've introduced many cats, and a few kittens, to an existing cat family, so I've got the isolation and gradual introduction routine down pat.

    Zoro is curious about the kittens but uninterested in enterintgthe "kitten room." Sammy waits at the door to come in, checks out the stuff, and touches noses with the babies. He's done pretty well with them chasing his tail and springing at him from behind objects.

  26. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Great outfit, hun! I love how you mixed the two scarves together- it made a perfect masterpiece.


  27. From one cat lady to another: those babies are adorable!

  28. wearing two scarves is one of my accessorizing favorites! i love it :)

  29. I just want to snorgle those kittens!!

  30. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Love the use of scarves. They look so boho. Very cute.

  31. More scarves=instant awesome!

    And very cute kitties!

  32. Now THAT is a very smart outfit! The red of the shoes goes really well with the green of the sweater - very festive! :)

  33. Great mix-up!! love the 2 scarf idea! and love the kitties. I have 2. Bruce and Luccia....

  34. How clever.. i would have never thought of 2 scarves... but my eyes are set on your shoes.... and the kittens.

  35. I love that u added the red pumps, and the kittens are just TOO cute!!!

  36. I love you outfit! Very Sexy and Classy too! I must admit that I really love your patterned tights!


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