
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I Sparkle

I don’t think there is a more appropriate place to wear a lamé dress than karaoke. I don’t plan to sing, though. I’ll just sit back with a Lemondrop and sparkle in the corner.

Cardi, Apt 9 (thrifted). Tee, Forever 21. Dress, American Apparel. Peggins, Bongo. Boots, Life Strides Earrings, self made. Scarf, gift. Coat, vintage.

I’ve worn this tee over this dress before, but with a cardigan on top, like today. I wish it were warm enough to lose the sweater.

I can’t complain too much about the cold, though, because it gives me a chance to wear this fabulous coat.

Not so fabulous: these boots. I bought them to wear to work, with pants, three years ago. I haven’t worn proper pants (i.e. not jeans or leggings) to work since September and I haven’t worn these boots since December 2007. They are just so so ugly and I’d rather wear my Isaac Mizrahi shabooties on the rare occasions I’m not in a skirt or dress at work.


  1. It's a sparkly take on the Monet colors!

  2. Hmm, I like the boots! But I am pretty bad at fashion, so maybe I just don't see it.

  3. WAT?! no SINGING?!?! God, last time i went and karaokied, i ended up being the headliner, silly redneckville bar didnt advertise at ALL and hardly anybody showed up!! I DID get my brother up there twice tho!!!

    love that cardigan btw!

  4. i wish i lived near you, no one i know likes to karaoke.

  5. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Okay, may I ask... what are "peggings"?

  6. You look like the Snow Queen! Love it! Merry Christmas!

  7. I love the color combo, very nice layering :)

  8. I kind of made up "peggings." It's my word for thick, pants-like leggings. These have real back pockets, but faux front pockets and a faux fly.

  9. ahahhaa you said shabooties! I am telling Dave is infiltrating the fashion lexicon!

  10. Hurray for sparkly! I love anything that glitters, especially this time of year.

  11. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Would there be a way to make your boots more funky? After all, if you can bedazzle owls onto skirts, add mini-pom-pom trim to jackets, and make a necklace out of dyed doilies... well, I bet you could come up with something intriguing.

  12. Hope you had a great Christmas, and I hope you DID sing at the karaoke. Nobody puts Kasimira in a corner!

  13. Oh I lurve this! You are really getting good use out of that dress! I also love that color blue on you.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. I love this outfit, so colourful and refreshing on a cold, winter day. And the boots look fab since you covered their length with the "peggings"!


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