
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Under Where

I bought these booties to wear under pants, back when I wore pants, and back when you wore your booties with only pants (not with skirts or dresses). This is their first pants-free outing.

Here they are with pants-------->

Jacket, Forever 21 (embellished by me). Zigzag dress, Lipstick. Navy dress, To The Max. Tights, We Love Colors. Booties, Style & Co. Necklace, Anthropologie (it broke and I fixed it.)

This is the second time I’ve worn the zigzag dress under another. The frock’s cut and length work well under a shorter, looser dress.

These two photos well illustrate white balance correction! The white balance is set for flash in the first photo and for incandescent (+3) in the second.

I went back and forth on the jacket today. The addition of the blazer seemed like too much brown (and I didn’t have time to change the tights/booties), but the outfit was unstructured without it. What do you think?

It's better...
with the jacket
without the jacket free polls

One of my favorite jokes is to ask someone, during a meal, “What are you eating under there?”

They respond, “Under where?”

Then, I laugh like a hyena and shriek, “Underwear?! You’re eating underwear? Gross!”

I have an unsophisticated sense of humor.


  1. Love the embellishment on the jacket. Very clever.

    Thanks for showing the use of the white balance. I really need to learn to use my camera better and appreciate your tips.

  2. I adore this outfit - the layering of the dresses is such a great idea!

  3. one of these days, i really will get around to trying out your camera tips!

  4. I think the jacket adds more structure if you are wearing it to work, but I work in such a professional environment I have to be aware of those things. :)

  5. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Hah! I had several pairs of ankle boots that I bought to wear with pants, back when I wore pants, too! Sadly, mine were extremely unflattering with skirts and got donated.

    That zigzag dress is dynamite - so perfect peeking out from beneath another dress.

  6. The booties look hot with a skirt. I think the jacket looks great, although it is kind of a lot of brown - maybe change the colour of the tights and leave the jacket? But overall I love this look.

  7. Love the Zig Zag!

  8. Your zigzag dress is gorgeous.

  9. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Team layering! You are so creative. I love this.

  10. I love the outfit without the jacket, it has a sort of bohemian, peasant feel, very pretty!

  11. Maybe a belt around the ribcage would be a good alternative for the jacket?

  12. Until this post I never thought about wearing my ankle boots that I bought for pants as the current booties. Now I'll have to give this a try!


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