
Monday, May 31, 2010

May Purchases

No preamble this month…
1. Romeo and Juliet Couture plaid chiffon blouse, $15

Don’t browse online when you’re bored. Yeah, right. Well, if you MUST, then go to the 15dollarstore, because you can’t do too much damage. I don’t regret this purchase one bit.

Meijer (it’s kind of like a Super Walmart or Fred Meyer):
2. Massini purse, $30

I amazed Beefy by snagging this purse off the rack as we walked by, on the way to find suspenders. I hardly slowed at all.

I certainly didn’t need another purse, but who couldn’t use a big, black purse? This one fits my giant SLR camera, which is important right now since the lil’ golden PowerShot is broken.

3. Adriana Papell sequin jacket, $41.70

I bought this super-discounted jacket to give my velvet dress a new look. Olive-colored sequins are the perfect mix of edgy and stuffy. Expect to see this topping all my formal and semi-formal attire.

Urban Outfitters
4. Jack BB Dakota Achava skirt, $19.99

One of the perils of reading so many fashion blogs is the development of an urgent need for an item. I was happily browsing blogs when I suddenly felt my life would not be complete without a high-waisted chambray skirt with an exposed zipper and pockets. Thankfully, I found one on sale.

I had spent my budget by the end of May, but couldn’t resist a few deals while thrifting on Memorial Day.

Village Discount Outlet
5. The Limited Blazer, $2.40

Valley Thrift
6. Starfish belt, $.50
7. Red snakeskin belt, $1.49

Total was $111.08. Not too shabby for a month that included a special event and a holiday.


  1. That purse is a great interpretation of the ruffle/concentric flower purse trend. Very nice! Good old "Massini."

    Meijer can be surprisingly impressive. The one nearest me has the largest selection of cosmetics outside of specialty stores.

  2. Great finds this month! This is really inspiring me to keep a little better track of my spending habits :-) (Still love that zebra dress, by the way.)

  3. You always look stylish- do you get stopped on the street ad complimented often? You always seem so happy too, xxx

  4. Faux Fuchsia - thanks! I do sometimes get compliments (mostly "I love your shoes!"), but I try to dress to make myself happy, not to draw attention. I guess it shows. :)

  5. Those are some fabulous finds! I especially like the plaid blouse.

    Aw, and so nice to see all your kitties together.

  6. Wow - I love that your share all of your fashion purchases, and well done on the bag, I love it!

  7. Great idea to track all your purchases. Wonder how many things I buy.

  8. Anonymous11:06 PM

    My friend recently paid $160 for that exact same purse. I don't recall the brand of hers, but still!!!


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