
Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This jacket seems like a brand new one since I dyed it. Renew, renew*!

Jacket, Charlotte Russe (overdyed). Dress, London Times (handed down and shortened). Shoes, Linea Paolo. Brooch, Beaded Garden. Necklace, Macy’s. Bag, Payless.

I wore this jacket and dress (and these shoes) together on a business trip in June. I like the combo much better now that the jacket is green.

*Logan’s Run reference. I love that movie.


  1. Kasmira
    I totally agree with you that jacket has new life with the green dye.... looks perfect with the dress.
    Enhances the color even more !

  2. Ooooh, I like it better green too! Wish I was crafty like that. Or, at least less lazy than I am now. :)

  3. Smartness! The jacket looked great to begin with, but you're right about the green. And of course it looks excellent all together.

    I, too, have a khaki/beige jacket that needs such renewal. Hmmm.

    Do you dye in your washing machine, or in the sink? 'Any tips for a fledgling?

  4. Wow. You are inspiring me into dying (sp?) a few of my pieces too.

  5. You are the best dyer ever, I would have made it look like an accident with pea soup.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  6. A-Dubs - I do dye in the washing machine. Look for a post in early October on my experiences with Rit dye in the washer.

  7. Anonymous3:37 AM

    ow wow! im so gonna dye mine too with purple color! awesome idea! thank you :)

  8. I love that green colour - its perfect!

    Sal xXx


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