
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Kitties

My mother went through a phase of gifting her daughters novelty socks. This pair features Christmas trees, warmly dressed cats, and snowflakes.

Hat, Mossimo. Tee, Jones New York Signature (thrifted). Scarf, thrifted. Jeans, Levi’s (thrifted). Shoes, American Eagle for Payless.

I don’t really like snowflakes, but I LOVE cats! Here are a few pictures of my kitties from the past few weeks:

When the cats sleep on the heating grate, I call them “hobo cats.” When they sleep on top of a paper bag on the grate, I call them “deluxe hobo cats.” Zoro rules the shanty town.

As you can see, my cats have a paper bag fetish. Sammy is bedded down in the kitchen. He isn’t on a heating grate, but he is poised to catch any food that might fall from the counter.

Maybe it’s because they’re brothers. Maybe it’s because the red chair is prime real estate (after the paper bags). But Roy and Walt can often be found cuddled together on this chair.

Here they were in the chair eight months ago:

To give you a better idea of how they’ve grown, here are Walt and Sam now:

And here they are last December:

Don’t feel bad for the kitten…he started it.

Can’t get enough of the kittens? Beefy recently wrote about the kittens’ first year.


  1. Precious socks and precious-er kittehs :0)

  2. Oh. LOVE those shoes...and those kitties.

  3. gah! I have Christmas kitty novelty socks! I have a kitty too, she's the world :)

    love this!!

  4. There's nothing like a warmly dressed cat!

  5. Anonymous2:13 AM

    that is a nice socks :)

  6. I KNEW there had to be a deeper reason why I subscribed to your blog immediately. Don't get me wrong, the socks are great. But now I can see that the evidence was right in front of me all along, in the About Me blurb. Cats. Cats! Cats! Cats! *goes to lie down*

  7. Merry Christmas to all....

  8. I refer to myself as a crazy cat lady all the time - and I only have two (I'd have more if my husband would go for it). Ours really like cardboard boxes. Also, we buy basmati rice in those burlap bags and the cats just love those bags for some reason.

  9. Such cute bitty-kitties! Ahem, this is one mom who used to buy the cute seasonal socks for her daughters...wonder if my daughter will do the same for her girl.

  10. My mom, sister, and I have a silly socks tradition at Christmas too. This year we have scented socks from Bath and Body Works!

  11. I love kitties! So I love the pics (and Beefy's story) about yours!

    Nice socks as well. With weather like this, it's the perfect time for silly socks.

  12. Amazing socks!! I love the Christmas vibe this outfit has, and the kitties are too cute.


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