
Friday, December 10, 2010

Yes, They're Real

I’m wearing genuine glasses today. No fake hipster specs for me*. Just my own bottle-thick lenses.

Sweater, H&M. Dress, London Times. Tights, Apostrophe. Boots, Miz Mooz. Necklace, vintage. Bracelets, Deb.

*I do admit to donning the fake glasses on occasion. They're great for concealing puffy eyes.


  1. I wouldn't expect to like that top over that dress... but I do. I reall do!

  2. Love this whole outfit! BTW, my hubby really doesn't like it when you wear these boots. I give them longing looks while he sighs at me...

  3. Those boots are fantastic.... I want a pair!!! Where can I get a pair? The colour is so unusual.
    Jen & Row

  4. I love the real glasses! I've been wearing mine since the second grade :)

    On another note, those boots are fantastic!

  5. Shimi - I bought them online at Infinity Shoes.

  6. Love the outfit - the green boots are awesome.

    You look great in glasses!

  7. I really love those tights, and I agree with Sheila - the glasses look really good on you.

    And it almost goes without saying, but the boots are absolutely gorgeous!

  8. Love the sweater! H&M and I need to have a date as soon as Xmas shopping for others is done!

  9. The boots are killing it! I love them. I also wear the fakies, since now I don't need real ones anymore. I figure I earned it after all those years of blindness.

  10. Hi Kasmira!
    I really do love the corduroy jacket and I am so in boot envy of your green babies:) I just did a post and added your link as the best indoor photographer ever :)
    If it's not ok, let me know.
    I also put your interview on my side-bar as a 'post u might like'.
    I also said a Hi on Beefy's blog the other day ;)
    Hope you guys are having a super Holiday season and here's to a terrific New Year!
    Thanks for all of your support, nad for getting me involved in such a great community.
    PS, I gained 15 lbs!!!!!!!!!
    So, I have many items that are now too small ( sz. 6-ish/8-ish )
    Maybe after the new year we could have a Cincy Blog swap!

  11. These boots are such a great alternative to the black or brown neutrals :0)

  12. You look adorable! Those boots are super fun, and your hair is just plain fabulous.

  13. this is one of my favourite outfits you've potsed! those boots are AMAZING and I never wear green, but they are gorgeous. stripes + patterned tights = great combo!

  14. Love the tights/stripes/boots combo!

  15. I really LOVE your tights! They are very Sexy Looking On You!


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