
Friday, January 07, 2011


Tuesday’s post, generated this reader comment:

Kasmira, really... i used to love the way u dressed. a few yrs ago when i found your blog i was soooo excited to check back everyday but now i really don't get your style at all... maybe it's just me. i used to really envy the way u dressed and now it's like u just picked 2 totally unrelated items from your closet and wore them in the dark. even my bf thinks so so i doubt it's not me. maybe u call it daring... but i lovED the way u dress... just not anymore. i've been meaning to say this for sometime but i guess today's outfit just reached my limit. sigh. u used to dress the way i always wanted to dress now i duno wat happened. i'm sorry if u're hurt by these comments.. i just needed to let it out. sad :(

In response, I wore this:

Jacket (below), Odds ‘n Evens (thrifted). Shirt, Jones New York (thrifted). Skirt, Herman Geist (thrifted and shortened). Obi, Sugadaminka. Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Miz Moooz. Necklace, Kenneth Cole Reaction. Purse, Vieta.

I jest. I prepared this outfit on Sunday (planning to wear on Friday), but it was perfectly apropos to wear following that bit of feedback. I didn’t find Anonymous’ comments hurtful, but thought-provoking instead.

When I started this blog, I made safe choices. I limited the colors in my outfits and made sure that they matched (e.g. no black with brown). I chose classic silhouettes and aimed to look as long and lean as possible. I eschewed funky and trendy for traditional and timeless. I certainly never wore more than one pattern at once! However, my style evolved. I’m not sure if fashions changed or if I just got bored, but I’ve certainly become more adventurous over five years.

What I wore to work on this date (or very close!) in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011:

It looks as if I had to make the images wider to contain all the craziness!

I certainly understand if my current style tack is not to everyone’s liking. Happily, there are now dozens (hundreds, even?) of style blogs from which to find inspiration. I’ve listed some of my most read in the sidebar.

Come back in five years and I may be wearing black head to toe. You never know!

P.S. After Beefy came to my defense, Anon posted another comment apologizing for any hard feelings. I believe she had no ill intentions and I welcome constructive feedback.


  1. This is thought-provoking, and I love the visual you've posted giving us the 5 year history. How amazing to have that archived for reference/posterity. I like your style evolution, and I particularly like this daring, quirky ensemble that, for all its wildness, still makes sense.

  2. Isn't that the beautiful thing about style -- that it's unique and personal and just for you? I love your evolution :)

  3. I love the way your style has evolved! I've been following your blog for two years, I guess, but this is only the second time I comment here, and I'm going to repeat what I've already said here before: your style has inspired me like no one else's style has to wear more colors and mix more patterns. and for this, I'll always be grateful to you. I love your blog exactly because of this, because you're daring, and because even your "mistakes" seem more inspired and personal than many other bloggers' "well succeeded" outfits. because of you, I am less and less afraid to make mistakes myself.

    Moda Fora de Moda

  4. 1. I like black with brown. I think it looks cool [Pink with black can be hard to take though, depending on the pink. OTOH, bubble gum pink needs something to make it camp instead of corny.] ;-)
    2. It is interesting to see the evolution.
    3. This outfit is kinda eye-popping, but you are still on my check everyday list, so something must be working. :-)

    Thanks for the blog. I do appreciate it.


  5. That style evolution is so cool to see. I can see the funky creeping in from year two! <3

  6. I'm glad you posted that comment. It's perfectly valid & so is you wearing whatever you want! Sometimes popular bloggers are held up as icons that everyone must agree with or whose opinion / style is somehow better than everyone else. But they're all different parts of the rainbow (some are more colorful parts ;), & diversity of opinions good.

  7. You have found YOUR particular voice...and as with most "art" (visual expression in clothing) you aren't making great art until SOMEONE hates it...anyway, way to be YOU.

  8. WHOA... well, whatever anyone says, you are totally self expressed and FUN. The way you dress makes me want to come there and go out on the town with you.. its so great to see that you have freedom to have fun with your wardrobe.. I am still dipping my toes in.. but am kindof where you were 5 years ago.

    you look awesome, colorful, adventurous and awesome!! xox J

  9. I read that comment when it was posted and it got me thinking. 1 my boss once said "anonymous is not worth listening to" which I have found to be true and 2 if you posted safe unoriginal pics no one would be inspired to be more creative in their outfits. It's coming up to the one year anniversary of finding your blog and starting my own and I so appreciate the evolution of outfits u have inspired.

  10. AHH MY EYES.

    Kidding. I love your current funky style. That is some pretty intense green you've got going on today though, no lie.

  11. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Been following your blog for a couple of years now, and it is the only blog I have bookmarked. (I'm not the same Anonymous as the commenter - just Anonymous because I don't ever comment on blogs so have no identity.)
    You inspired me to let go of the rules many times, and I always get compliments when I do.
    For me, the most interesting people in the world are those with whom I don't always agree -- they open my mind and show me some hidden parts of myself.
    I do wonder sometimes
    a) what the other folks in HR at your office whisper about when you go gor coffee
    b) when you will also start a garden blog, because I be your plant combinations roack as much as your clashing prints.
    Keep it up Kasmira!

  12. I love the way you handled this. Very classy. I probably would have taken it personally and curled into a ball or something, but you've really been a positive role model to other bloggers. Very awesome. Go you.

    I love your style. People's fashion choices evolve. I miss some of the clothes I used to wear, but I would feel silly wearing some of the stuff I wore at 21 now that I'm 25. It's just growth. You're style is awesome, and rather than "don't ever change" I'd like to say I can't wait to see whats next.

  13. I love the evolution and I think it says a lot about you and the course of your life. I've been reading for about 3 years now and it has been fun to see the journey. As they say the only consistent thing in life in change. Keep changing and keep living!

  14. First, that was a classy way to handle that comment! Second, while your style is a bit wacky, I find it inspiring. And the 5 year comparison is awesome...seems like one of the benefits to style blogging is that you are able to think about your style and consciously expand it with reference to the past. Keep on mixing brown with black (and pink zebra print!)

  15. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Kasmira - I have to agree with the OP, and I have been thinking the exact same thing. I still like your blog, and especially your blog persona, so I like to visit often. I just don't "get" your style like I used to - and that, of course, is okay. You have the right to dress as you please. I will say, though, that when you do wear the things you wear, it seems to fit you. Sometimes it seems other style bloggers try to wear "daring" things and it just comes across as insincere or like they are just trying too hard or even trying to copy someone else's style. It really doesn't work for everyone, but I believe it works for you because that is who you really are (at the moment). LOL

  16. What a sweet, perfect response to the post. I love your style and you've inspired me to be more creative in my outfits as well, although I'm not nearly as gutsy. I appreciate the practical advice on popular style shows, but I love having your blog to balance out that advice.

  17. I think your style has evolved into something really fun and amazing. Taking a cue from your outfits, I've started mixing prints, patterns, and colors that I never would have in the past. Sometimes it doesn't work, but I've come up with some really interesting new looks through experimentation.

    So, you're right - people don't have to understand or like your style of dress. But, I for one, think it's pretty freakin' fabulous.

  18. Just wanted to say that while my own style is far more "safe", I still find you inspiring, also on my daily blog must read.

    I appreciate that people can have different opinions but i will never understand why said people can't put their names to it.

    You are very gracious in your response and I admire it.

  19. I've enjoyed seeing your style evolution over the last year or so that I've been reading your blog regularly! I think I understand what Anonymous was trying to say, even though it might have been expressed more tactfully. I used to see your style as a more colorful and creative version of something I'd wear myself...these days it's evolved beyond what I'd be brave enough to wear myself. So while I don't "relate" to your style as directly as I used to, I still love to see what you're wearing, admire your creativity, and check in regularly.

  20. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Different is cool. Keep doing it :)

  21. I was looking thru your blog (which is new to me) recently and I've also noticed how your style has evolved. To me, it seems that you've gotten more adventurous with pattern and color, but that the shapes that you choose are still classic. Most of your the pieces you wear could easily fit into a more conservative wardrobe. What I like seeing is how you combine those pieces with interesting accessories, bold colors, and sometimes more than one statement piece.

  22. I've been reading for a while and never commented, but just wanted to jump in and say that I love your blog. I tend to dress funkier than most people in my profession and in much of Manhattan, for that matter (my roommate calls me Rainbow Brite), and while it sometimes garners comments like Anon, I think it's also a good way to give people a glimpse into my personality before they even meet me. Same with you -- and it's fantastic!

  23. On some days, I must agree that your outfit is a little bit too wacky or miscellaneous, but for the most part I love the juxtaposition of patterns, colors, textures, and styles you implement in your everyday wardrobe! It really inspires me to experiment with my fashion choices and boldly wear what I want regardless of what others may think.

    For Christmas I received genuine fox fur earmuffs that I suspect no one really likes except me, but I wear them at every opportunity anyway because I adore them! That confidence is partly thanks to you!

  24. I love your blog. Sometimes your outfits aren't something I'd wear myself, but I come back near daily anyway. It's always interesting and I mean that in the best of ways.
    Also, if you're going to say something negative, have the decency to take the time to spell out words. She doesn't like the blog, wants to tell you, but can't be bothered to really do so. And being Anonymous is chicken.
    Unrelated: saw you walking in Westwood a while back but decided shouting KASMIRA I LOVE YOUR BLOG while driving by would be creepy. Regardless, it's true.

  25. Anonymous4:31 AM

    I love you outfits! I have been reading for the last 3 years and find your looks unique, beutiful, and a breath of fresh air!Keep iot up! Really love how the boots and tights make this recent outfit pop!

  26. You inspire me to keep dressing in the way I want every day, rather than listening to everyone else, thank you. And the color junkie in me is loving your style developments!! x

  27. You have definitnely experienced a genesis but, I don't think that's a bad thing. It would be stale if you wore the same thing over and over again or played it safe all the time.

  28. I just found your blog and I like it a lot! On the flip side of the coin, I've found that some style bloggers have gotten less adventurous, interesting, and more boring over time, and I've stopped reading their blogs.

    I much prefer your progression! I think you have a gorgeous personal style and I love seeing your outfits!

  29. First of, love the floral skirt with the green tights and mixed patterns..wish I could pull this off!!
    Secondly, I oversee a publication and we will not publish Letters to the Editor UNLESS they have the courage to put their name on it. Without the courage to do that, what they have to say can be taken with a grain of salt!! I would not give it your time.
    You are a creative, stylish woman who is inspiring and helping others. Your voice is needed..soar past ANONYMOUS.

  30. The evolution of your style is very interesting. Actually I think I like your present selections better - they seem to suit you. I check your posts daily and while I may not feel comfortable in similar attire, I still enjoy seeing "what you wore".

  31. I loved starting at the beginning of the blog, and reading all the way through to your latest posts. It shows the progression of your style, and it's so cool to see it unfold. Better than a fashion mag any day.

    Are you more daring today than 5 years ago? Absolutely. But one thing that doesn't seem to change is your willingness to try something new. And that's what keeps me coming back every day.

  32. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Kasmira, I just found you a couple of weeks ago and I am not in your demographic at all. However, I enjoy everything you wear, the way you post, and the gentle and artistic spirit behind it all. I love the evolution, your funkiness, and how you inspire others. I have learned more from you than in years of women's magazines. Keep up the amazing blog -you are so inspiring -even to middle-aged conservative dressers who wish they had you for a friend when they were younger! Rock on with your bad self!

  33. I love you blog! I have been reading for years and I have loved watching your style evolve. While, I might not be quite as daring as you, I do find myself thinking of you when I put on an outfit and it looks bland...I think WWKD? Be/c of you I'm the funkiest Middle School teacher in town!

  34. Thanks for this posting. You have handled this comment with integrity and class! I imagine putting yourself out into the "cyber world" can make you feel vulnerable at times!

    I check your blog daily and it was the first blog I started to follow. I have always appreciated your ability to be creative and playful with your outfits. To me, that was what style is all about - having fun!

  35. What a great, thoughtful way to respond to that comment. Nicely handled! I also want to say that, like many of the other commenters, you've inspired some of my more daring outfits! I work in a small company with mostly middle-aged women (who wear things like double-knit slacks and sensible orthopedic shoes) who don't seem to understand how much fun it can be to get dressed every day - which is something I'm pretty sure you get!

  36. :D

    (ur blog is one of my favorite tv shows!)

  37. Anonymous12:41 PM

    To reiterate the sentiments of some previous commenters: I've been lurking here for several years too and this is my first comment ever. I follow your blog because I absolutely love your bold, funky style. You are truly original and make unconventional combinations look great. You have inspired me to take risks and given me ideas for hard-to-wear pieces that I like in and of themselves but have no clue how to wear. Some things you rock I personally wouldn't wear because they're just not me (but they still look fab on you). That is the beauty of personal style -- everyone is different and we can pick and choose what works for us individually. So thank you for staying true to yourself over the years and continuing to inspire me! Jessica in Philadelphia, PA

    P.S. Bravo for handling this matter with such grace. Unlike some other popular style bloggers who fly into a tizzy over the slightest inference that someone may be less than enamoured with a piece of their ensemble.

  38. I loved your sense of humor and graciousness in handling this comment. Nicely done! :)

    And I have to agree with everyone else - one of the coolest things about your blog is watching your style evolution. You inspire me to push my own style boundaries and try new things. Like jeggings!

  39. I do think it is impossible to have everyone like one's choices and sense of style, right? it we put ourseleves out there to see and judge, some people will feel the need to criticise. Personally I love your sense of style and how daring and creative you are. I also like that you do not follow trends, but create your own, unique style. I may not agree with all your fashion choices, but I love to visit your blog and see what you have come up every day :) I think you are a great inspiration.

  40. Kasmira, your style is totally cool and I am your biggest fan in Brazil! I bet people from other countries follow you as well.

  41. i love all of your outfits, i think you are very daring and different, and this outfit proves it!
    keep it up :))
    -Rosie x

  42. My friend recommended your blog, and I just started following you recently. I visit everyday to see what you have worn. Simply...You inspire me! :)

  43. Hi Kasmira,
    I scrolled down to give you some love but I see that so many of the comments indicate that others like visiting your blog to see your unique wonky style as much as I do.
    I have been reading for 3-4 years now I think...your post took me to your flickr sets to see your outfits over the years and ponder why I keep reading. I enjoy your outfits and skill in putting things together from what you already own. I also enjoy reading your how-to posts like the overdyed denim - I ran right out to get some dye to try it for myself! I enjoy seeing how brave you are in your dress and the pleasant tone in your writings.
    Keep doing what you love - you wouldnt be you without it!

  44. While I would say that your style of a few years back is more in line with my own personal style, I still very much enjoy your blog. While I may not mimic your style, I do find it inspires me to be more brave in what I try. I will have conversations with myself where I say "If Kasmira can wear plaid and floral, you can wear black and white stripes with a black and white polka dot belt.".......yeah, I live on the wild side like that. I think that drawing attention to that comment just reinforces that you are a woman comfortable in her own skin AND are courageous when it comes to fashion blogging!

  45. I find the Anonymous comment disappointing because it seems to be much more about the commenter's issues than anything to do with Kasmira. In the time I have followed What I Wore Today, Kasmira has always struck me as someone who embraces every part of her life, from work, to leisure time, to fashion in her own enthusiastic and wonderful way. It sounds as if this individual is so insecure with her own inability to express her personality and style that she needs someone to emulate. I would encourage this person rather than criticizing, to perhaps turn that critical eye on herself, and try to develop her own personality. Unique is a word that is often misused, it means one-of-a-kind, like no one else, and that is what Kasmira is. Anonymous should try unique, it might look good on her (proper grammar wouldn't hurt either).

  46. Fascinating. I look at your blog as a "designer" site, much like a Paris fashion show, where trends are expressed a little further "out" there than some of us might wear. Your stylings encourage me to be a little more creative than I would otherwise. Thank you.

  47. I have been reading your blog regularly for a couple years now. At one point I had almost 100 other fashion blogs in my Google reader but I decided that many of them were wearing the same things (and I was getting too materialistic with clothes) so I made the decision to cull all of the fashion blogs except the bloggers that contributed something more to me. I kept your blog because I think you have successfully tapped into the way YOU want to dress - you are truly expressing yourself and that is something I wish I could do. You can either follow someone else's rules or you can live by your own - I'd love to do the latter.

  48. Ohh that reminds me, I need to crop my skirt ;)
    Love this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. Oh, I love the tights and boots together! This is a great mix. ps--I'm following your blog!

  50. Change is good--evolution is part of the process of art/learning--evreything! Love your look now even more than the looks of before. Its inspiring to see your courage and grace. Paula

  51. well, actually this last one has a sort of logical progression from black and white, through a print explosion in thje middle, to a solid green. However, in general, I am with Anon... I do not always "get it," but it is amusing so I tune in now and then. It is really way-out-there to me, but when I feel totally lost, I just tell myself that you ARE in the THEATRE, and that it is all part of your art.

  52. First of all, anyone who uses "u" so much -- IN AN EMAIL, FOR GOD'S SAKE, NOT A TEXT -- should just fuck off. That's just ridiculous. Second, who takes the time to email someone to say they don't care for what you wear anymore. I wouldn't personally wear a lot of what I see on fashion blogs, but I am glad people are happy with their own style! And I certainly don't need to model myself after anyone, so they're not obligated to live their life in a way that suits my fashion needs.

  53. "duno" is worse than all those "u's" put together, by the way!

  54. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I find you extremely put together, fun, and exciting! You have the courage (and the boy) to dress as you please, and that is inspiring to me. Keep doing what-ever it is you are doing. I love checking your blog every morning!!!

  55. I've been meaning to write for some time now. Two years ago I was wearing ill fitting jeans and cable-knit, crew-neck sweaters. I was afraid of any kind of accessories, fun shoes or being overly "made up." I began to have a style awakening. I took some baby steps into necklaces and fun flats. Since finding your blog I am having the time of my life wearing bright colors, layered cardigans, belting my cardigans and mixing seemingly unrelated articles of clothing. In the past week I have had no less than six acquaintances tell me I look fantasic everyday and two friends tell me I have inspired them to be more daring and another called me Kashmira Jr. (Which I took as a huge compliment.) I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog and your sense of style. (Yet another friend has suggested I start my own fashion blog, but I think I'll leave that to the professionals) Thank you for being willing to break out of "the norm." You have given me the courage to try new things. After all what am I afraid of? Other peoples' opinions? Certainly not.

  56. I love you and I love your style. The neat thing about ones own personal style is that it evolves with that person.

    I love your blog not because I want to copy your wardrobe or because I love every piece you choose...because there are times where I wonder, "hmmm--I think I'd pair that skirt with a different top...." etc. etc.

    I love your blog because it inspires me--it dares me to take chances and helps me wear clothing that doesn't follow the status quo.

    When you try and copy a style or play it safe, that's when clothing becomes boring. Even though my family talks about my ugly shoes--they still talk about them--it's a conversation starter--and damnit who doesn't have a need for pink snake skin stilettos?!

    Keep doing what you are doing--I love the daily inspiration and the continuous reminder to always search for new ways to dress.

  57. I do love how you pair colors and patterns. You really inspire me to think outside of the box and figure out how I can creatively pair pieces/colors of things I already own to make them look different. Now some of the stuff you wear is a little crazy, but you're still an inspiration!

  58. I love this outfit! I'm an invetermate pattern-mixer and all-around fashion rule breaker, and I think changing things up is always so much better than playing it safe! I give you credit for putting it all out there, despite the comments of a few stodgy naysayers. You rock!

  59. Paola5:07 AM

    Although your outfits aren't always my cup of tea (thank goodness for that, or how boring would that be?), your blog nearly always makes me smile. Keep doing what you're doing...

  60. Anonymous2:15 AM

    I have been following your blog for a couple years now and I think you are amazing, but I have to agree with OP. I don't really understand your style anymore. I still really enjoy reading your blog because you seem like an awesome person, but I miss the old days. But this blog is not about me or anyone else and I think you should keep doing what you are doing because it fits you!

  61. I started reading your blog this year..... Imagine my delight when I realized I had six years' worth of blogs to read :))))))) I found your earlier style more conservative, but still really beautiful. However, it seems to me, that your style seems to suit you more now, it appears to be more reflective of you, and that is really inspiring! Yes, there are some colour or pattern combos I wouldn't wear, but that's because they wouldn't suit me (or because I'm not brave enough!!!!!). I love your outfits, really thought- provoking (just like this post)


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