
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

All Wet

I’m inordinately proud of myself. This marks two days in a row of public self-portraits. Just me, the tripod, and curious onlookers.

Dress, Banana Republic (thrifted). Belt, thrifted. Tights, Hue. Shoes, American Eagle for Payless. Earrings, Ali’s Boutique. Coat, Lilli Allen (vintage*). Bag, Franco Sarto.

Not only did I endure a man photographing me photographing myself (a meta-picture?), but I got pretty wet running from the car to this amphitheater** in the rain. I got much wetter running back to the car, but pictures were completed, so who cares?

Because I usually ride the bus, I’m obsessive about checking the weather report and almost never leave the house unprepared for whatever the atmosphere might throw my way. This week, though, I rented a car for two days (to attend some work training) and somehow thought this would make me impervious to rain and cold. Not so. I’m just glad I remembered a coat!

*I scored this vintage coat from The Drama Workshop’s costume shop. Come to our sale on Saturday and look for your own vintage treasure!
**Can any Cincinnatians guess where I am? One more picture to help you out:


  1. That coat is FABulous for fall. I would have totally grabbed it in amazement... costume shop??
    I am missing out.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    I'm having a giveaway...

  2. i knew where u were without the last photo. we parked* across the street from there tonight.

    *i never take the bus...

  3. I keep telling myself I'm going to get the tripod out and do my own pix...but I never do :-(

  4. Aww, I'd take photos of you!

    I would love to find out where you were, but alas, I live in Dayton!

    Missing Amsie Blog

  5. This may be my all-time favorite outfit I've seen on here. I love love love the colors!

  6. Ah, public picture-taking when you're solo... Nothing will get you stares at more quickly hah.

    And... I posted an outfit yesterday that made me think of you with its mad mix of patterns. It'd be awesome if you could check it out :)

  7. A man photographing you photographing yourself? Wow. I give you lots of credit for getting through that and the technical issues that arise with self portraits. As always, you look great! I love mustard :)

  8. That dress is so very pretty paired with that belt =D

  9. Someday I'll have a camera (at least a real one and not my cel phone) ..... sigh
    I love this outfit. I want that dress.


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