
Thursday, October 06, 2011

Fifth Blogoversary

It’s my fifth blogoversary and I’m not in Cincinnati. To celebrate the beginning of the sixth year of WhatIWore2Day, I went to Disney World!

Jacket, Charlotte Russe (overdyed). Blouse, Newport News. Skirt, Talbot’s. Shoes, Fioni.

The fact that I devoted suitcase space to an outfit I wore for only 30 minutes is a measure of my dedication to this blog. You don’t get to year six of an outfit diary without some serious commitment.

I braved strange looks and noonday heat in a wool skirt to bring you today’s photo. I also may have endangered my health; I was sprayed three times by the auto-flush toilet while dressing. See? Dedication.

The sweater from my first five posts on October 6th has been retired. I replaced it with this little jacket, overdyed twice. For the rest of the month of October, I’ll revisit the outfits from 2006 and let you know, “where are they now?” Stay tuned to learn the fate of that tired, green sweater.

Please stay tuned beyond October as well! Your continued readership inspires me to keep on blogging. I don’t know what could top the Magic Kingdom, but each year is worth celebrating with something special.

Today’s photo by Beefy Muchacho


  1. I'm at Disney World too! Got here last Sunday and leaving next Wednesday. Happy blogoversary!


  2. Congrats on your sixth year! That green is beautiful on you!

  3. Happy blogoversary! And you went to such great lengths to commemorate the day! Does this mean that I have another 5 years and 11 months of blogging before *I* get to visit the Magic Kingdom?

  4. Congratulations! :)

  5. Congratulations! That's a long time in the blogoverse! Loving your outfit today. Green looks great on you.

  6. Congratulations, Kasmira!
    I may not comment all that often but I read your blog every day and very much appreciate your commitment, dedication and all the inspiring outfits you shows thanks to you I have the most wonderful pair of olive green Miz Mooz boots that are sooo comfortable to wear & receive comments every time they make an appearance!
    Here is to another year!

  7. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Love it!!!

  8. Awesome! I have to say, I like the outfit better with the little jacket. Can't wait to see more.

  9. Hey Kasmira, I remember reading your blogiversary post last year! You are the blogger that inspired me to start my own blog about a year ago. I remember reading yours at work and scrolling through almost a year's worth of posts one day just admiring your outfits and dedication! Thank you for blogging, it always makes me smile to catch up on what you're wearing!

  10. Tizzy - look for me!
    Clothes Karma - you don't have to wait that long. I came here last just before my 3rd blogoversary. So you have only 3 years and 11 months to go.
    Celynne - I'm liking the jacket better, too.

  11. Congratulations! You have inspired me to try combining my clothes in very different ways. Reading your blog also influences my choices when it comes to buying and making things to wear. Thanks for blogging, and please keep going.

  12. Happy Blogoversary. Thanks for being so brave:) Seriously, it is fun to see that pretty outfit montage. The color and shape of that outfit look so great on you.
    Here's to another 6 years!

  13. I thought I left a comment on this post, but it didn't show up... anyway.... it's worth telling you again: congratulation! That's an amazing mark and you're truly a pioneer in the now ubiquitous personal style blogging world. I remember finding you after searching for another blog I'd heard about a few years ago. I don't read the other blog anymore, but I still check in daily on you!

  14. Yay! Congrats :) May Disney treat you well. Looking forward to seeing the outfits the rest of the month!

  15. What a wonderful way to celebrate !
    I can imagine you got some stares.... i think it's such a great idea to dress up on that "first outfit" or what's left of it.... and CONGRATS. I read all the time but sometimes don't comment, but you are one of the first fashion blog i ever read :)

  16. Oh Kasmira!
    Happy,Happy Blog-o-versary!

    It's so wild that almost 3 years ago, you inspired me to start blogging!

    I didn't get famous and made sooo many boo-boos, but YOU and your wonderful smile, your commitment and great posts-one after another- kept me truckin'!

    Thanks for that!

    It's so neat to see the 'transformation' photos and can't wait to see this month's posts.

  17. Congratulations! I only started reading your blog this past year and am so impressed by your six-year run! Hope you're having a wonderful time at Disney :)

  18. Yay, happy blogiversary that is SO exciting and a huge mark! How fun that you went to Disneyland. Love it. And I'm loving how you've re-mixed this green skirt, it's amazingly paired with the jacket & lace!! And I LOVE those shoes, I may be biased as I own a very similar pair. ;) Happy weekend. xo veronika

  19. Congratulations Kasmira! I can only marvel at your dedication. I lasted only several months (after being inspired by you - you were my first style blog!). While I enjoyed it, life simply became too busy. Style blogging even for that short amount of time though completely changed the way I dressed and thought about clothing. I always come back for continued inspiration, so thank you for keeping it up.

    PS I am visiting Disney World in early November and will follow your travel-packing advice. Do you think the weather will have cooled down by much & what sort of shoes did you mostly wear while you were there?


  20. great series for the outfits... happy blogiversary


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