Each year, I put on the same outfit and stand in the same place to take my blogoversary photo. I attempt to replicate the pose and lighting. Last year, I mistakenly placed a hand on my hip. This year, silly me, I did not use the auto white balance setting on the camera and had to color correct in Photoshop to get a picture similar in tone to the others. The end result is a fascinating (to me, at least) parade through time.

When I started this blog, the cardigan, blouse, and skirt were some of my favorite items. Naturally, my tastes have evolved and I don’t often wear any of these pieces. In fact, since my last blogoversary, I’ve worn the cardigan twice and the other pieces once each.
The cardigan (by Moda International aka Victoria’s Secret):

The blouse (by Newport News):

The skirt (by Talbot’s):

Thanks to all my readers, old and new, for visiting my site. I’m especially excited to have discovered so many other ladies with similar outfit diaries. (The number of style blogs I subscribe to through Google Reader is creeping up to 150!) The community of readers and bloggers is what keeps my interest in maintaining this blog. Here’s to Year Four!
Congratulations, and best wishes for Year Four!
Congratulations! You have to be one of the pioneers in popularizing women's style blogs! You have certainly been - and continue to be - an inspiration to me.
I just found out last week that my orange tweed skirt is Talbots (someone had cut the tags out, and I didn't know the brand until I saw another one in a thrift store). It is the same as this one! I just love the fit.
Awhile back you did a post which detailed the pieces of your wardrobe you wore most frequently. I'd like to see an updated version of that. It seems in keeping with the blogoversary theme. =]
Love your blog! Looking forward to learning more about pattern mixing, color pairing, accessorizing, and risk-taking from you over the next year! =]
Congrats on your blogoversary!I'm a fairly new folower but I love your sense of style and the way you challenge yourself. Thanks for helping me pull myself out of my style rut.
WOW this blog not only shows how much style and how creative you are but also, how disciplined !
Congratulations you are a true inspiration - :)
Your blog is the first fashion blog I stumbled upon and it inspired me to start my own! I am constantly looking to your blog for fashion advice. Congratulations on your 3rd year!
I would agree your style is evolving but somehow this blogaversary outfit still looks fresh and fun.
That is amazing how you've gone so long without any repeats! You are awesome and I hope you keep up with this blog for many years to come.
Congratulations!!! I have been a fan for about as long as you have been blogging. Keep going!
Stupendous! Great fun, this post.
Congrats!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed on making it to my first! Your dedication and creativity are certainly an inspiration.
Happy Blogoversary! And OMG is that your house in the 2nd cardigan pic? Because it is absolutely lovely.
I admire your OOTDs because they're so different than other bloggers out there. The variety and mixing is key. Here's hoping that you'll keep up the blogging for many more years to come. [raises virtual glass] Thank you for the great blog!
Congratulations.... you haven't repeated an outfit in 3 years!!!!! omg
Happy blogversary. What a great outfit. Guess I've been visiting you for less than a year; I've enjoyed having coffee with you almost every morning. Keep up the good work.
Happy blogoversary! You don't see many blogs lasting 3 years, so congratulations!
Happy Blogaversary.
Thanks for sharing your style adventure with us. You've inspired me to be braver in my style.
For me too, yours was my first peek into a fashion blog and yours is still my favorite (I'm sentimental that way). Not only am I impressed with how you've continued to make it fun and inspiring, you also FIT into the same clothes (that still look new) just as well now as you did three years ago - I'm a little jealous. I also have coffee with you most mornings; you make me look forward to turning on my computer at work every day.
Happy Bloggy birthday. I'm a big lurker but had to come out for this.
Diana Draw - the background in the second cardigan picture is actually a scan from a magazine that I photoshopped myself into for a contest.
Congrats on 3 full years! You are the first daily outfit blog that I started reading, and your blog was the one that inspired me to start mine. I love your creativity and the variety of outfits you wear. Happy blogoversary!
Happy Blogoversary! Keep up the great outfits!! :-D
Happy blogoversary! What a great idea to wear the same thing each year, too - it's so interesting to look bacl on!
I love this outfit! It's so classy and timeless and it looks fabulous on you. Congrats on your blogaversary! I love seeing the hair transformation in these photos. I have to say, though, that this years shoes are my favorite with this outfit.
this outfit is seriously to my taste (but not the coloring for my skin tone!). I love how you have taken the same outfit each year and lined it up like you did- it's really neat to look at! :)
Congrads on year 3!!!!
Happy blogaversary!
You were my first, Kasmira! :)
Happy Blogaversay!!
Too funny, September was my third blogiversary, too! Congrats!
WOw! I've been following your blog now for over a year, and your style continues to inspire me :)
Happy 3rd! You are a reference in the blog community.It's always nice to see your outfits and to some bits of your life.
I hope you continue.
Happy blogoversary!!!
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