I never got onboard the skinny jeans trend, but took to the leggings resurgence like a duck to water. Between aerobics, cycling, running, and dance, I’ve had a spandex-clad butt for most of my life. Personally, I never have had a problem with leggings worn as pants, but the maxim this time around seems to be that they must be paired with a top that hangs to at least the crotch. As the trend wears on, though, I’ve seen that rule broken more and more often.
What do you think? Are leggings as pants ever okay?

Honestly, I put this outfit on in the morning with tap class in mind (minus the sweater and boots). It was so comfortable, though, that I continued to wear it the rest of the day, including to the Kenwood mall. If you aren’t familiar with Cincinnati, Kenwood is the “fancy” mall with the Nordstrom, MAC, and Bebe. I expected to stick out in my leggings-as-pants, but found that I wasn’t the only one sporting this look. However, I admit, I was the only woman over 25 doing so.

I like leggings as pants, but don't don it because I work at a middle school and am already asked what school I go to (I'm in my late 20s). So, I leave it for the teenybopers. You, however, look super cute and comfy.
i don't believe in leggings as pants, UNLESS the wearer has a tunic or sweater that lands exactly where yours does and, like you, has an amazing figure. then it is ok. you look great. i saw a girl in a long white sweater, black leggings and boots and she looked absolutely divine, as it emphasized her figure without letting it all hang out or anything. it's only wrong with a short top or if perhaps you haven't been hitting aerobics for... ever... (please note my ass will not be in leggings except during yoga, at all, thanks). love the monochromatic on the bottom too- makes your legs a mile long.
I don't know...I'm firmly on the "they are not pants" train.
I wear leggings as pants all the time, but like everyone else seems to be saying, only with longer shirts.
Hello, I have been stalking your blog for a while and felt the need to chime in.
I think that is the only way you should wear them is with a long shirt about crotch level or lower/tunic dress. Whether a woman is fit or not, I think they look ridiculous wearing them as actual pants with a short top or jacket.
I see it at work all the time (retail) and we keep a tally of how many of the girl's underwear lines/patterns we can see.
I like leggings as pants. Very comfy and stylish. Your outfit looks good. Nice neutrals, very comfortable and warm looking.
I have never been a fan of leggings, not even back in the 80s/90s. They are just too casual for my taste, and visible crotch/bum in them is just a huge no-no in my book.
You look great, but I wish this top was longer and thicker (you can see where the waistband of the leggings ends through the shirt).
However, brava! to you, Kasmira, for always taking that fashion risk! I do greatly admire your gumption.
I say, wear whatever makes you feel good.
I've always loved leggings. They are super comfy and really great for running between life's endless errands, teaching fitness and yoga classes, and fun little adventures.
I just bought 2 sweater dresses to wear with mine.
BTW I love this outfit. You look very cute in it.
I personally am a fan of wearing leggings of pants. I agree with others who say that it requires long shirts or with mini dresses.
I mostly find that only teenagers look good in this trend and that when adults try it, it comes across like they are trying too hard.
You look absolutely great in this outfit. Unlike most adults you can flawlessly pull off this look off because of your fit figure. Also, the blue and brown was a really genius combination.
I don't think leggings should be worn as pants, but your outfit is really cute.
This post and pictures reminded me of the Daddy Likey blog, especially the Don't Show-cha Your Chocha.
I think leggings as pants work as long as they aren't to revealing. You look perfectly fine in your pictures.
I find pants uncomfortable so legging work for me. I admit I live in fear of looking like a hipster (my neighborhood is all asymmetric haircuts & plaid shirts) but for years I wore the leggings on cold days. I think you have to have nice legs, but you've got that covered! :)
Ha! I just did a post on leggings as pants. I love the look, personally, and you knocked it out of the park :) Of course, it helps that you have a great figure, but I think most gals could wear this style with a few tweeks.
Leggings as pants are ok, as long as they are really pants! By this I mean they should have a seam, and they should be think enough (you shouldn't wear footless tights as pants!)
Impressive blog and cool outfits! A lot of work here!
I just discovered it and I've become and instant follower!
No. This would look much more chic with a longer top.
Unless you've got the assets, they should be kept under long shirts =)
You my dear do not have a problem... I on the other had could not pull his outfit off without looking well... bad.
I think that they should be worn as leggings and not pants.
But, I have to say you sported them very wisely.
I spent the weekend at a music/arts festival and had a lot of fun looking at all the different hipster/hippie/whatever styles. And I saw a TON of leggings-as-pants, some looking great, others not so. You, as usual, pull the style off with ease.
Leggings are never okay as pants, unless you're going to sleep.
Honestly, I like it. I think it is somewhat limited in when/where it can be done and by whom, but I certainly think leggings as pants can work :)
leggings are not pants, but they can be worn well when A) opaque and B) covered at least to the crotch. there is absolutely no reason for people to see someone's virtually naked bottom while shopping for groceries.
there's also something to be said for understanding the fashion limitations of one's body shape.
and i am a burlesque dancer, so it's not like i have a problem with nudity!
Generally, I'm not a fan. I wore leggings every day in the 80s/early 90s and not looking to ressurrect that part of my life. :) However, you look fantastic in it. The long shirt and the boots definitely help me warming to the look...
I do wear leggings as pants but I always pair it with a long top ^o^
You totally pull it off! I think tights work as pants, but only with boots. LOVE this post. :)
Personally I think you look fabulous and I'd have no problem wearing this outfit myself. As a Brit (who has recently moved to NW America) I am always happy to be experimental with clothing...and certainly in the UK the most popular look right now seems to be leggings or footless tights paired with mini skirts or hip length tops and boots...and not just the under twenty-fives either.
I love leggings, but definitely NOT as pants (that means wearing a long top or dress over them that covers the crotch and butt areas). I've seen too many girls in Vancouver wear them as pants and it looks really, really trashy, good figure or not. The diff between leggings and tight, spandexy skinny jeans is that the material for leggings is so much thinner, somewhat simulating nakedness.
No. Leggings are not pants.
What you did? That's fine I could live with that.. That's not really "pants". It's covering, and it looks like you're wearing more of a dress. Kind of.
I'm going to really, really simplify the concept here (since people are all, "oh you can wear them as pants as long as you have a long top" which just puts people in the wrong category). For anyone listening. Wearing leggings with any kind of top that drops below the butt is not anywhere in the category of "Leggings as pants". If the crotch can be seen without severely embarrassing you, it's pants. If I can look there and determine if you shave or not, IT'S NOT PANTS!!! (Yes.. This has happened before..) So.. As long as you are covering, like that, you are not technically wearing leggings as pants. There. Now, if you have to vote (and only can say yes, or no, without explaining your thoughts), you will actually be where you think you are.
If you where leggings and that's all that's covering your hips, that's leggings as pants.
And that's a big NO.
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