
Friday, January 27, 2012

Five Days of Pattern Mixing

I didn’t intend to do it…but I mixed patterns all week long:

Which pattern mix was your favorite?

My favorite pattern mix was...
Monday (Corporate Snake)
Tuesday (Two Leopards One Plaid)
Wednesday (Remembering Summer)
Thursday (Partners in Pattern)
Friday (Floralix) free polls 


  1. I voted for Corporate Snake, but it was a close call between that & the other 'almost match' pattern mixes from Thursday & Friday. I'm really liking those.

  2. For me it was a toss-up between Monday and Thursday. But I loved the gold *just* a little more so I voted for Monday. If we're being honest I gasped when I saw your Thursday outfit. Bold - but worked!

  3. My fav was the blazer and pattern dress. They went so perfectly.

  4. I really liked Friday's patterns together with that belt and tights, but my eyes felt the blue shoes, cute as they may be, added one too many layers and distracted me from the real fun upstairs. You are really good at this, K. Keep on rockin' the mix.

  5. Too hard to choose just one. Every single one was spectacular!

  6. I am all about that tartan and leopard. I think that tartan dress might be my absolute favorite piece of yours.

  7. Just voted for Monday.
    Please visit my blog to find out about the 2012 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge. I do hope you can join us.

  8. Corporate Snake and Partners in Pattern were fighting for my vote...Partners in Pattern won! :o) The blue shoes with Floralix also distracted me from the wonderful pattern mixing. I think if they were a daintier blue shoe it wouldn't have captured the eye so much. That aside...what a fun pair of blue shoes!!!!


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