
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

A Lot of Ink

Today, I was asked repeatedly whether my legs were covered in tights or tattoos. If these designs were tattooed on my legs, that would be a hell of a lot of ink.

Shirt, Old Navy. Skirt, Rafaella (thrifted). Tights, Stocking Diva. Boots, Syle & Co (thrifted). Bag, Fossil. Necklaces, vintage and Bracelets, Claire’s and Birch Hills.

I’ve considered a tattoo for years, but can never settle on what or where. I think I’m too fickle for something that permanent.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I really like all the pieces, just not...together. Sorry! Love your energy & ingenuity though. :)

  2. Those tights are badass!

  3. Savvy Shopper12:25 PM

    Like the top, pearls and handbag. Not sure I understand this outfit, but I want to.

  4. That's an incredible necklace. I'm usually not drawn to jewelry, but I think you have one of the coolest necklace collections.

    Super cool mural too. Thanks for finding the place and sharing it!

  5. I seriously love those tights! Do you think they would work against a darker skin tone? And what a cool mural in the background!

  6. Against a darker skin tone, they probably wouldn't look as much like tattoos. The "flesh" color is actually the pink of the tights, not my skin showing through. But I still think they'd look good on a darker-skinned gal.

  7. Anonymous5:26 PM

    The whole outfit is really cute but I am in lust with your purse!!


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