
Monday, February 06, 2012

The Sea, The Sea

This summer, I read The Sea, The Sea and have been craving the ocean ever since. The closest I’ve gotten is a mix of watery hues and the Union Terminal fountain.

Blouse, Wet Seal. Skirt, thrifted and gifted. Belt, Buckle. Tights, We Love Colors. Shoes, Colin Stuart. Bag, Nicole Lee. Earrings, Claire’s. Bracelets, thrifted, Claire’s, Birch Hills, and Urban Outfitters. Watch, Vivani (gift) Sunglasses, Girl Props.

In a few months, though, I’ll be visiting the ocean for real. I can’t wait!

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I love how the shoes and the camisole? under your blouse just bring a jolt of color to the outfit. Great way to wear neon without looking like the 80's puked on you.

  2. Ha! 80's puke! The neon is actually a neon-yellow bra (looks more green under the blue blouse) layered under a nude slip. It was a leeeetle risque for work, but I just acted like no one could see my bra.

  3. Bluesgirl1:08 PM

    Absolutely smashing outfit from head to toe. I adore everything about this outfit. You look divine.

  4. I love the sea theme to these clothes. By the way it is nobodies business if you want to channel the waves with your bra. I think it is clever.

  5. Love the pops of neon! I plan to try out the sheer blouse thing once it's a liiittle bit warmer, and you're inspiring me to go for it.

  6. I love those shoes! I'm always happy when I see them :)

  7. I know that I took them, but I love these pictures.

  8. Savvy Shopper12:29 PM

    Thumbs up to this! Very inspiring. I really like this skirt that keeps popping up in outfit to outfit. It does feel a little oceanic/caribbean in a good way!

  9. Anonymous3:56 AM

    The shoe color is amazing- love the yellow and blue on top- makes a cool combo.

  10. I read that book recently, too. Loved it! I plan to read more by her, but my stack is so high I don't know when I'll actually do it.


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