
Sunday, February 05, 2012

Spotted Cat

I’ve been saving this leopard and polka dot mix for just the right occasion. I figured an audition qualified.

Dress, Jovovich Hawk for Target. Shirt, FY2 (thrifted). Belt, thrifted. Boots, Vince Camuto. Earrings, No Boundaries. Jacket (below), H&M (thrifted).

This was a fine outfit for singing, but it’s a little tight in the shoulders for dancing. I couldn’t raise my arms much above my shoulders for the tap dance portion of the audition. I don’t think anyone noticed, though. I distracted them with my abysmal tapping and terrified smile.


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I love the polka dots with the leopard!! You are the master of mixing prints.
    If you get a chance please stop by my blog--I used a couple of your outfits as inspiration

  2. This is my favorite thing I've seen you wear lately. And the last photograph is lovely.

  3. George M at the Showboat. It's a musical review of George M Cohan's music. I can't find much information about it, but the director said it's all singing and dancing.

  4. LOVE the outfit! And I hope you get a part, Kasmira!

  5. Love the outfit!

  6. The idea of you being terrified is almost unbelievable, you are Super-Kasmira after all!

  7. Maybe the smile was more "hideously uncomfortable" than "terrified." I really wish I could fit tap lessons back into my schedule, but even Super Kasmira has to sleep and go to work.

  8. I think you have earned your PHD in pattern mixing. I have learned so much from your entries and am inspired to try some myself. Love those boots as well.

  9. I HAVE THIS DRESS!! I never have any of the cute clothes spotlighted on "fashion" blogs... I am pumped! (Now I just need to go find a leopard print shirt to wear with it!!)


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