
Tuesday, May 22, 2012


This is the third year we’ve taken pictures at the gazebo to document how my hair has grown since the short, blonde style.

Jacket, London Jean. Dress, gift. Bag, vintage. Shoes, Seychelles (thrifted). Cuff, vintage (gift). Charm bracelet, thrifted. Rings, vintage except for the puzzle ring from Puzzrollrings.




If I had remembered that we planned to take these pictures today, I would have worked a little harder on styling my hair in the morning!

It grows.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho with the Nikon DX AF-S Nikkor 35 mm 1:1.8G lens


  1. It's fun to see the change over the years! And I LOVE that dress, it is so you and so fun!

  2. It does indeed grow! It only seems like a year ago - maybe - that you went blonde! Where does the time go??

    I love that you decorate your hands and fingers, but that you keep your nails short and plain. Being a plain-nails gal myself, it's nice to see.

  3. Oooh I love those style dresses. I allllmost thrifted one and I kick myself every summer for passing it up.

  4. Your dress is very the colors!


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