
Saturday, October 06, 2012

Sixth Blogoversary

Today is my sixth blogoversary! My plan was to hike to a scenic overlook, change into my blogoversary outfit, and snap my pics. But my blogoversary outfit was mistakenly packed in my November box, so you get a picture of me in my hiking outfit.

New shoes!

I’m living out of suitcases for two months, so I planned a 31-for-31 capsule for October and a 30-for-30 capsule for November. October’s capsule went into my luggage and November’s capsule was packed into a box. After arriving in Sacramento on Monday, I realized that I put the blogoversary outfit in the box.

When my November box gets here (in late October), I’ll don and photograph the ceremonial garb.

Maybe this is a sign that after six years I need to change up my anniversary outfit? At least I wore the right shade of green.

The seventh picture finally added on 11/1!


  1. Happy blogaversary. What a gorgeous backdrop for you pics.
    I'm looking forward to your capsule outfits and to hearing more about your life in this beautiful city.

  2. What a breathtaking view! Cincinnati will miss you! Best of luck as you start your new adventures in California!

  3. Happy Blogoversary! I just recently passed my fourth. I think I've been following since the beginning of my bloggy days.

  4. What a great achievement. Keep inspiring us.

  5. Congratulations, Kasmira! Still reading after all these years, and still being inspired by you!

  6. Happy blog-birthday!
    I look forward to THAT post... now that i think of it, the outfit i wore for my first post no longer exists...i only have the top.

  7. Happy sixth blogiversary! Great photos:)

  8. Anonymous11:18 PM

    The most amazing thing about the 6 photos is that your body looks incredible! You are the smallest in the most recent picture. You truly look stunning. All those adventures really do a body good. And a good body makes for an even better wardrobe.

    I have been following intermittently since 2007. Thanks for sharing your clothes and life with us.



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