
Thursday, November 01, 2012

November Box

I cracked open the November 30-for-30 capsule today. I packed it in September and Beefy mailed it to me in late October. The first thing I wore was my belated blogoversary outfit (mistakenly packed within the November, instead of the October capsule). However, I did make a small modification.

Jacket, H&M (thrifted). Blouse, Newport News. Skirt, Talbots. Boots, Miz Mooz. Sunglasses, Target. Necklace, VCLM. Bag, Fossil. Rings, Black Hills Gold and Puzzrollrings.

The green jacket of my blogoversary outfit (which replaced the original green cardigan I ruined) looks a little too costumey with the green skirt and lace blouse. So I wore the faux leather jacket for work and put the green jacket on for photos, only.

And here’s the blogoversary outfit, followed by the yearly rundown:

And, yes, I cut my hair. November is going to be a month of many momentous events! A new capsule, a haircut, moving into my house, contracting renovations, the arrival of kitty cats, a visit from Beefy, my birthday, and more!


  1. Happy Late Blogoversary! Love the new hair! And what a great idea for moving-30-for-30 would be much less overwhelming than packing up your whole closet.

  2. I love your new haircut! And while the blogoversary outfit is lovely, I like the darker leather jacket even more. Very cool and chic.

  3. LOVE the haircut! And the jacket too!

  4. Your hair looks marvelous...
    and it's so interesting how what we like or not change.
    Last year you did nt think tht the green jacket + skirt combo looks costumy, yet this year you do.

  5. Whoa, I thought you had one of those faux bobs, but you cut your hair! I love it!

    I agree, the jacket looks a little costume-y and matchy now. Happy blogoversary!

  6. Your new hair is super cute! Happy blogoversary!

  7. Anonymous11:57 AM

    SUPER cute hair!

  8. Your new hair is lovely, and it suits you quite well. I love the waves on the side. Happy blogiversary!

  9. Omg your hair looks incredible! Great new cut.

  10. I love your new hair cut. It's so pretty. It sounds like you have a big month ahead!

  11. That is a great haircut!
    Also, I'm glad to see how those Miz Mooz boots look on a person; I've been contemplating getting a pair. Good to see just how tall they are!

  12. Love the new haircut! You look gorgeous!

  13. Jen M.3:55 PM

    Just when I think you can't get any cuter! I heart your hair SO much!

  14. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I love it! Long time lurker. Enjoyed watching your journey!

  15. I love, love, love, the haircut! You really do rock the short look.

  16. Julie1:12 AM

    Love your new hair style!


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