
Monday, November 12, 2012

Sweat Skirt

My sweater-knit skirts may not be super flattering, but they are super warm and comfy! Several times today I stopped and just appreciated being comfortable in my clothing. This outfit was like wearing a sweatsuit. With stiletto heels.

Shirt, Old Navy. Skirt, Outlander (thrifted and gifted). Tights, Hue. Boots, Rampage. Necklace, thrifted. Bag, Fossil (gift). Ring, Black Hills Gold. Watch, Raymond Weil.

In totally unrelated* news, here are some pics I snapped of the kitties on Sunday when I should have been painting. They were lolling about on the carpet that is soon to be ripped out and replaced with tile. In the meantime, they are enjoying the giant scratching pad.

Regal Zoro

Roy takes a sunbath

Four kitties, one sunbeam! (Sam, Walt, Syd, and Roy)

Syd made it out to California and now we have five cats

*Well, not totally unrelated. They sorta match my outfit. And nobody knows comfort like a kitty.


  1. The kitty are beautiful! Mine have the radar to find the sun patch no matter how small. What? That dull, boring carpet is being replaced? You could up-cycle it into scratching posts. (like you need another home project)

  2. I do plan to save some of the carpet for a scratching post...but it could be awhile before I get around to that project!

  3. Aw, five kitties is five times happiness!

  4. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Love the kitty photos! They certainly look at home already. We have one that looks very much like Syd, and I love how the sun brings out his "stripes."

  5. wow, how did they take the big move? looks like they have made themselves quite at home already!

    1. It took them a few days, but they now love the new house!

  6. I am so glad to see the kitties made it out there safely!

  7. I like your sweater skirts. From the pictures, I couldn't tell this one was a sweater-knit. The last one you wore gave you more curve at the hips...what's not flattering about that? :o) Oh and your coat must have a thing for sweater skirts, 'cause once again great combo!

  8. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Lovely cats - very photogenic!

  9. I love the cats all hanging out together. Cat buddies!


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