
Monday, December 31, 2012

December Purchases

My weekly sales routing takes me past tons of great shopping. Some of my customers even carry clothing and accessories in their salons! Therefore, it took a remarkable amount of willpower to only make two purchases in December.

I’ve lost my receipt, but I estimate I spent about $70 on these two items.

1. Harve Benard mod skirt.
2. Tri Collections plaid poncho.

December total: $70.00

Total spending for the year: $1493.14.

I spent $1540 in 2011 and $1701 in 2010 (with the same goal of $1200 all three years). As a result of having a budget, I’ve gotten better at keeping my purchases in check, but $100/month is still tough. For 2013, I’m increasing my budget to $120 a month. I decided on the new limit based on monthly budget recommendations, my current income, and the importance of appearance in my new job (in the beauty industry). If $1440 had been my yearly budget for 2012, I would have been very close!


  1. What did you wear on Christmas Day? Why no post?

    1. I was alone most of the day...I think I just wore pajamas. Beefy worked.


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