
Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Funday

Friday is the day to have a little fun with your work wardrobe.

Blazer, J Crew. Sweater, vintage. Skirt, No Boundaries (thrifted). Belt, gift. Tights, We Love Colors. Shoes, Sole Obsession. Necklaces, vintage, thrift, and/or gift. Rings, heirloom, Black Hills Gold, vintage, and Puzzrollrings.


  1. I just ordered a Schoolboy Blazer. It's on sale now at J.Crew. 40% off. Thanks for this post. I can't wait to wear mine. The blazer looks good on you!

  2. I like the piles of necklaces and rings...and of course the colors you're wearing! I would definitely stare at you as long as you were in sight (in a non-creepy/I like your outfit kind of way) if I came across you out and about. :o)

  3. Love this outfit. The big pile of necklaces is so much fun. I just might have to copy, ideally while wearing stripes & florals for a fully Kasmira inspired outfit.

  4. Please check out my styleLANE feature on my blog.. I loveeeee your style! Would you be interested in being featured? Let me know! My email is


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