
Thursday, January 24, 2013


I have a serious case of fashion ennui. I went to the mall last weekend and was bored bored bored by the offerings. I followed it up with some virtual browsing and was still bored. Leggings, skinny jeans, blazers, oversized sweaters, chiffon, florals, polka dots galore. Show me something new. Or less recently recycled.

Blazer, The Limited. Dress, I Heart Ronson. Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Miz Mooz. Earrings, Girlshop. Brooch, heirloom. Rings, Black Hills Gold, vintage, and Puzzrollrings.

I’m currently considering the aesthetic that will guide my future purchases. Cowgirl? Arty Slick? Pin-up? What looks are you finding fresh and inspiring?


  1. It's kind of weird but the same thing happened to me last time i visited a mall. Seemed like there was nothing new, just more of the same AND poorly made...

  2. Pin-up style...always inspiring :o)

  3. I don't have anything helpful to offer regarding the ennui problem, but can I just say: your hair is awesome here.

  4. Wow. I heart your blazer. It's beautiful and classic. Matches your earrings too. I will read all your posts right now. :)

  5. Anonymous3:48 AM

    I've been on a Steampunk kick lately, its fun to make it corporate appropriate. Safari boots and skirts have been my staples for the last month or two.
    from Divya


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