
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Goes Without Saying

Do I even need to mention that I’m pattern mixing again? Mod florals, leopard, polka dots. No one’s surprised any longer.

Sweater, INC. Shirt, INC (swapped and cut from a dress). Skirt, Mossimo. Tights, no name brand from Madame Butterfly. Boots, Rampage. Sunglasses, Girl Props. Earrings, Target. Rings, custom and Puzzrollrings. Bag, Go Jane.

I remember when simply combining odd colors (whoa! lime and turquoise!) or innovative layering (collared shirt under strapless dress!) used to thrill me. Those were simpler times.

One of these days, I’m going to start wearing nothing but dark skinny jeans, black tunics, and ballet flats. Then, you’ll be surprised.


  1. We'd fall off our chairs from shock if you did. :o)

    I'm liking the color coordination of your purse with your collar and rings...and your dots with spots. :o)

  2. Cute collar.
    Love the polkadot panty with the tiger cardigan.

    xO Arezu

  3. Yes, I would be far more surprise if you suddenly got "normal." Although not all of your outfits are to my personal taste, I have always admired your flair and style. Brava!

  4. That would be shocking! You are just too fab to pull off drab!

  5. Anonymous11:05 PM

    I LOVE your mix and (un)-matches! Gives us "permission" to do the same! hahaha I'm always thinking when I go shopping, "WHAT WOULD KASMIRA DO?" Thanks for being our personal shopper.....all of these years ;))


  6. If you did you would be bored to death in 2 days flat! unless you want to stop blogging!


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