
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I'm Okay

For the second time, I had a run in with the police while taking my outfit pictures.

Jacket, Mossimo. Blouse, INC (thrifted). Skirt, Heaman Geist (thrifted and shortened). Tights, Target. Shoes, Isaac Mizrahi for Target. Sunglasses, Target. Necklace, thrifted. Belt, Deena & Ozzy. Bag, Vieta.

Last time, Beefy and I were taking photos outside the Crosley Radio Factory. That site is a target for vandalism and graffiti, so it is closely monitored. The police verified that we weren’t adding to the problem and left us alone.

Today, I was returning to my car, parked on the side of a highway, when the highway patrol slowed to ask me if I was okay. Thankfully, I was done with my pictures, so I could assure him that I was fine and hurry on home.

Mostly, the encounters have just been embarrassing. I can’t seem to say, “I’m okay, I just have a really weird hobby.”


  1. The cops like your outfits too.

    Marie @
    Lemondrop ViNtAge

    I am having a fabulous giveaway right here.

  2. You may have a weird hobby but you've got a killer belt! love it

  3. Congrats on stopping traffic! Love the blog - wish my lady friends were as creative with their outfits...

  4. This is why I can't pose out in public! It's bad enough when my neighbours catch me out on the stairs.


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