
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

End of the World

I don’t know when I first became obsessed with the end of the world as we know it. Was it when I first saw “Logan’s Run” or when I read “The Girl Who Owned a City?” Either way, I’ve since watched nearly every movie and tv show and read nearly every book and short story on the subject.

Doesn’t this setting look a bit post-apocalyptic?

Jacket, Xhilaration. Tank, Imaginary Voyage. Dress, Richard Chai for Target. Boots, Miz Mooz. Sunglases, Betsey Johnson. Scarf, thrifted. Bag, Caprice (thrifted and vintage.)

My latest end-of-the-world fiction has been Revolution (television show), Rot and Ruin (YA fiction series), and Wool (via Kindle). Your challenge: suggest an apocalypse story I haven’t already consumed! Good luck.


  1. If it is the end of the world, you are going out looking great! Love this outfit! Confident & feminine all at the same time - love the lacy touch.

  2. Parts of central California do look distinctly war-blasted at times, don't they? Including the Altamont Pass during the summer, when the grass starts to catch fire and blacken.

    For recommendations, how about Riddley Walker, by Russell Hoban? Post-apocalyptic England, and one of my favorite books! It's written in a dialect that people either love or hate--I'm on the love side, myself.

  3. One of my favorites is Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven :)

    1. I liked Lucifer's Hammer, too!

  4. World War Z? A Canticle for Leibowitz? Nightfall (Isaac Asimov)?

    1. Good try! I have read those. I heard a WWZ movie is in the works!
      Have you read Swan Song? LOVE that book.

  5. Ohhh The Girl Who Owned a City. I read that in fifth grade and was obsessed. I haven't thought about that book in such a long time. I wonder if I read it now if I'd still like it.

    Love that lace top - so pretty!
    Chic on the Cheap

  6. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I enjoyed the Maze Runner Trilogy (YA), and I just finished the Jenna Fox trilogy (YA too). It's not so much post apocalyptic as a future gone somewhat wrong, and with some great ethical issues that really made me think.

    YA has really improved since I was one. I started reading it again because of my 6th grader.


    1. LOVED the Maze Runner trilogy but hasn't heard of Jenna Fox. Thanks for the reco!

  7. This series:

    1. That sad. Is there another book after they left their town?

  8. S.M. Stirling's Novels of The Change. (There are umpteen kajilion). Basically, he started way back when with Island in the Sea of Time, and that trilogy. Where Nantucket is thrown back to early history. Then he came out with the first of the Change novels, Dies The Fire, which started the saga of what happened to the rest of the world.

  9. The Amtrak wars series (Patrick Tilley)? Children of the dust (Louise Lawrence)? Last light (Simon Scarrow)?

  10. I remember LOVING Children of the Dust. The others don't sound familiar!

  11. some consider the Book of Revelations as meeting that criteria ;-)

  12. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood.

    Hopefully the third book in the series comes out soon.

  13. I love the two Margaret Atwood books. I had no idea a third was in the works!

  14. Have you read "The Forest of Hands and Teeth" or "Life as We Knew It"? They're both YA (Young Adult) novels, but I still liked them. :)

  15. I've been lurking on your blog for a few weeks now, and trying my best to mix prints, but I just had to chime in here. No one has claimed Cormac McCarthy's The Road. I'm sure you probably already read this one, but I just have to say it's the saddest, most bleak end of the world tale ever!!

    And I freakin love your mad style!!

  16. Amy D and Stacie Barton - loved all of those books!

  17. Catching up on my fashion blog reading, and wanted to say:
    a) I love this outfit! And am jealous of folks who fit well in Miz Mooz boots. So gorgeous!
    b) i love post-apocalyptica! Have you read, "The City, Not Long After" by Pat Murphy? One of my favorite post-apocalyptic novels.


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