
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Still Crazy

I won’t bore you with a photo of every time I’ve worn this dress. Suffice to say, I’m still not tired of it. And I’m still not tired of pattern mixing.

Dress, Merona. Shirt, INC (cut from a swapped dress). Shoes, Colin Stuart. Sunglasses, Girlprops. Necklace, Macy’s. Bracelets, thrifted and vintage. Bag, Caprice (thrifted and vintage).

Pattern mixing with an old favorite:


  1. Wow, you have gotten so much wear out of this pretty dress and continue to do so- its truly amazing -

  2. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Just for the record, that would not be boring, seeing all the many ways you wear that dress! That is one of my favorites! I have really learned how to make my closet "grow" so thank you!
    sp :)

  3. Lovely as always!

  4. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Your pattern mixing has inspired me too! I actually wore a pink fabric floral belt with a pink striped shirt the other day. I was debating between the floral and plain blue (my usual choice) and actually said "Now what would Kasmira do?" and picked the pink floral instead.

    It was my first time mixing patterns like that, and I really enjoyed it! I got the belt at a thrift store months ago because it was pretty, but I'd been afraid to wear it until now.



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