
Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Tickle the Ivories

I haven’t played my piano in so long that I’d probably scare the dog if I tried a song. (Not, necessarily, because I play so badly, but because he hasn’t heard that thing since he was a pup.) I’ve thought about selling it, but can’t bring myself to separate with the instrument. Especially not after Beefy and I drove it halfway across the country on the Great Piano Trip.

How do you fit the practice of a musical instrument in your life?

Shirt, Forever 21. Dress, Jones New York. Shoes, Seychelles. Sunglasses, Target. Bag, Merona.


  1. Anonymous9:23 AM

    See if you can make time to play just one song a week and build from there! It might be easier to make more time than you think.

    Lovely outfit btw. Only you can pull off two shirt collars.

  2. Same way you fit in other things we do--fitness, friendships, good books, theater....find a block of time and make either a practice or a treat of it. Perhaps you should keep the piano. I don't have one around, and when I finally sit down at one, it's nearly therapeutic.

  3. We can't sell it. Too many memories, and it's too cool of a piano. We should get it tuned. You and I can carve out time to practice. I have my guitar.

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    It is hard to make time, but I can't get rid of mine either.

    Love the 1st black and white photo! Almost looks like it should be on a greeting card, or an ad for something, like those great shoes!


  5. I have not played the clarinet since high school - and i do not miss it.
    However, maybe you can do your post pictures with the piano once a week and play a song or two around it ;)

  6. The zebra print looks classy



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