
Tuesday, October 07, 2014


I’m sometimes caught off-guard by a glimpse of my reflection or a comment from a stranger; I forget how attention-grabbing some of my outfits can be. Red hair, red lips, red dress, red bag, and contrasting accessories certainly don’t blend into the background. I don’t intend to stand out. Instead, I enjoy the process of putting together a striking outfit and then promptly forget I have it on.

Dress, Donna Morgan (consignment). Scarf, thrifted. Shoes, Seychelle’s. Necklace, Taneesi. Bag, Anne Klein (thrifted).


  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Lovely outfit! That blue and red is really striking, and I love the dash of orange/yellow in the belt.


  2. Did you seen 60 Minutes Sunday night? It's no surprise that the "smartest dog" is a border collie. BTW, the dog lives in my hometown.

  3. Anonymous1:12 PM

    This outfit looks gorgeous on you.

  4. I love all the red in this, and the pop of yellow in the scarf. I forget about my outfits too, until someone says something.

  5. MoonlitCherri10:26 AM

    love love love love love love love this outfit!

  6. Just love the brilliance of the primary colors. That lapis blue against the red is just delicious! Modern-day Carmen Jones meets Cleopatra.


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