
Monday, October 06, 2014

Eighth Blogoversary

In eight years of outfit-a-day blogging, I’ve seen the genre rise and fall. Most recently, I’ve read that personal style blogs are actually dead. Indeed, some of the daily outfit images in my Feedly are indistinguishable from magazine or catalog shots They’ve become less relatable and less personal. The most popular bloggers never seem to wear the same thing twice. Bloggers that constantly sport new duds can be an inspiring source of styling or shopping tips, but I prefer to see the same things worn over and over, made fresh with innovative pairings.

In short, I try to be the sort of blogger I’d like to follow, whether or not we’re a dying breed. I buy my own clothes. I don’t accept freebies in exchange for promoting a brand. I wear my garments over and over: until they fall apart, prove impractical, or just grow tired. I take risks. I challenge myself to explore the possibilities of my closet by never repeating an outfit. Except on my blogoversary. Then I trot out this itchy skirt and even itchier blouse, topped with the green jacket (or cardigan) du jour.

Jacket, Mossimo. Blouse, Newport News. Skirt, Talbots. Shoes, Enzo Angiolini.


  1. Every year I'm surprised when your Blogiversary rolls around. Another year already?

    Thanks for being the sort of blogger you'd like to follow - it's the same sort I do, for *apparently* six years now. Time flies!


  2. I never really comment on blogs but you’ve long been one of my favorites! I started following you in Summer of 2008, I remember this because I was still new to my area and job hunting. I stumbled across your blog when I searched for something like “pink shirt with brown slacks” or something along those lines, and found you! The fact that you’ve remained the same _sort_ of blogger is what keeps me coming back. I love seeing your creativity and realistic purchases. I hope to see you around for many more years to come!

  3. Happy Blogoversary, my love!

  4. Yay! I feel like style blogging has become so bland. I'm not going to get excited about 1,000 bloggers wearing the same thing. There's a few left that are inspirational but they're becoming harder and harder to find for sure.

  5. Happy Blogiversary Kashmira! I started mine only a little time before you (I started in the April of 2005!), so it's nice to read another blogger who has been going for so long! You've got a lot of wear out of that skirt and it's a great one!!! I really enjoy style blogs so I guess the people who write those are not asking everyone!!!! I do like people who blog their own stuff though, it's much nicer!

  6. "I buy my own clothes. I don’t accept freebies in exchange for promoting a brand. I wear my garments over and over"

    This summarizes why I love your blog! Thank for keeping it going :)

  7. OMG ! and I have been following you for over 5 years :)
    I think you set a unique standard of not only wearing clothes to their final days (which is the way I think it should be) but also in being so creative.
    I must add that the fact of buying your own clothes keeps you real, you buy what you like, period.
    I have always wanted to ask, how often do you edit your closet ? I see you keep track of your spending but wonder about the edit.s

  8. Congratulations! I love your blog because you keep it real and provide inspiration for my own clothing choices hanging in the closet. Thanks!

  9. Anonymous8:06 PM

    So true!

  10. ismay8:24 PM

    Happy blogoversary! Indeed you seem to be one of the few non-commercialized originals left. Along with Sheila Ephemera. 9 years and no repeats? Massive kudos...

  11. I was just thinking it was about that time again. I think I started following back somewhere around 07/08 and I love that I can rely on you to always be you. You experiment with fashion, life, travel, and whatever you put your mind to. You share just a part of yourself but what you do share is very honest. Thanks for that and for all these years.

  12. I've been following you for ages too! I started blogging in 2006 and I think I found you pretty early in your posting through garden blogging. I admire your style which is pretty daring in my book of jeans everyday! Happy blogiversary!

  13. Happy blogoversary! I have enjoyed following your blog over the years and have been taking inspiration from your amazing skills at coming up with endless new outfit combinations from the same items.

  14. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I'm down with everything everyone else said. Yes, this is why you are special: you dress and shop like a regular person (not some 20-year-old heiress living it up on Daddy's money) and yet with extraordinary verve and imagination. I have come to rely on your blog for a shot of joy and creativity every day. You are truly an inspiration - so keep it coming! A devoted fan.

  15. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Happy Blogoversary! Yours is one of the few I read regularly. I love your uniqueness! Anyone can wear something seen in a magazine or on a mannequin, but to mix it up, shop thrift, make changes, and wear what you like makes you fun, fashionable, and inspirational!


    PS. I'm also impressed that you can fit into that same skirt from 8 years ago! Yeah for Sporty Sundays too!

  16. I actually like your blog because you put together what you have in many different ways and I think that is the way lots of women including make me what they have work. I am ordinary women and I do not have endless millions to spend on clothes and just like lots of other women I have to make it work with what I have. I find you blog the kind of inspiration I need. Thank You

  17. A very, very happy blogiversary, Kasmira!

    I will happily read all of the "aspirational" fashion bloggers, and I do get outfit inspiration from them sometimes. But there are times that I get really frustrated and it's exactly what you've written here: do they even wear any of that out the door? How is that something they can wear to work? Would they be as thrilled about that brand if they had to pay for it?

    So, thank you for what you do. I'll admit, as someone whose style is more minimalist-prep, there are times where I don't necessarily *get* your fashion but I always appreciate your bravery and your creativity, and I love to see what you put together. And yes, I love the fact that you wear those clothes out in the world, to work, and that you discuss the practical aspects of fabrics, heel height, layers, etc.

  18. Anonymous8:58 PM

    And this is why I heart your blog.

  19. Yes! I love that your blog is still personal and not a bunch of magazine shots. Yah for keepin' it real :)

  20. A few days late but I just wanted to say, I really do love following your blog. Seeing the photos and reading your philosophies on putting together an outfit have challenged me and made me try new things over the years. There are definitely times I have put things together and thought "this might be Kasmira approved" haha

  21. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Happy anniversary from your fan in Brazil! I´m tired of fashion blogs as well - but I keep checking on yours once in a while. And do you know what? You look better (and happier) today than on your previous anniversary pictures.

  22. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Happy blogoversary! I am also a long-time reader and dig your creativity. What is admirable about you is that you have a real-life job and also regularly maintain the style blog. I think often the full-time bloggers lose relatability when the outfits don't actually get worn to work. And then without much of a life outside the blog, they really have less to say. I am generalizing, and no disrespect to others! You are just pretty unique.

  23. I too love that you're as personal, non-commercial, and truly original as ever. Thank you, Kasmira! Long may you blog. I'd miss your bright self if you ever went away for good. :-)

  24. happy anniversary....will be tough to wear the green boots in that climate if they made the move. so many of the blogs I used to read died- people lose momentum or just turn to something else. :(

  25. Happy blogoversary! I have always credited you as one of my main inspirations, not only for your funky taste, but for staying non-commercial, for buying things that appeal to you and for mixing and matching them in such fun ways! I still have my orange version of that skirt - it keeps hanging on in my closet!

    Keep it up, Kasmira!

  26. Estrella4:18 AM

    Thanks for keeping being the sort of blogger you'd like to follow. That's the kind I like, too! Happy Blogoversary!!

  27. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I found your blog today after searching and searching and searching for a relate-able and inspiring woman who loves clothes that do not stop with the predictable run way looks one might find in Redbook or simple magazines. You instantly inspired me with your edgy and colorful fashion I have already shared your blog with two of my friends. I hope you keep up the outstanding blog, because you are a rare find indeed! I love that you shop Target, TJ Maxx and consignment. It gives the rest of us hope!


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