
Friday, October 02, 2015

40 B4 40: Eleven Month Progress

We are in the home stretch. Will I complete all 40 adventures?

1. Get old timey photos of our family - Done!

2. Skydive or hanglide - Done!

3. Take a Napa wine tour - Done!

4. Hike Half Dome - Done!

5. Stand-up paddleboard - Done!

6. Snowshoe - Done!

7. Camp with the dogs - Done, with Jasper, only.

8. Skateboard at a skate park - Beefy and I decided to save this for the day before my birthday, just in case I break a bone. I wouldn’t want an injury to keep me from any of my other adventures.

9. Compete in an agility competition - Done!

10. Renew my passport - I’m STILL awaiting my passport in the mail. I did get a request to send another copy of my driver license in September and did so.

11. Pose for a photo with Mickey Mouse - Done!

12. Attend a Comicon - Done!

13. Dye my hair pink - Done!

14. Teach Jasper to walk nicely on a leash - He’s improving.

15. Do a 365 Photo project - Daily picture success! Find my photos here.

16. Sew a garment - I started a skirt on Memorial Day. It has sat, zipper-less, waistband-less, and hem-less ever since. I’m hoping that my sewing class will give me the confidence to continue.

17. Take a sewing class - I’m registered for a class in October.

18. Meditate - I will try this again in Oct. I’ve learned a lot about meditation this year. Among the lessons is that meditation is never “done.”

19. See a live concert - Done!

20. Go to a hot air balloon festival - Done!

21. Learn to 2-finger whistle - Done!

22. Do the splits - I’ll get there!

23. Show Dan my old Bridgeport haunts - Done!

24. Finish making all the burgers in Veggie Burgers Every Which Way - Done!

25. Write one special content blog post per month - Done!

26. Sail - Done!

27. Wallpaper a wall - I found my paper!

28. Participate in Toastmasters - I’ve given nine speeches and won “best speech” six times! I’ve also served as toastmaster, evaluator, general evaluator, jokemaster, grammarian, timer, and pledge/inspiration at meetings. I didn’t plan to earn my Competent Communicator designation in my 39th year, but I’m on track. My 10th speech is scheduled for the end of October.

29. Ride a horse - Done!

30. Have a birthday party - We’ve had a number of scheduling conflicts and my big party will be a little after my actual birthday. To make up for it, I’m also having two smaller parties.

31. See local theater - Done!

32. Practice ambidexterity - My left hand activities: throw a frisbee, sling a ball, make checkmarks. I’ve also been practicing signing my name (badly) with my left hand.

33. Learn a new piano song - I’m working on my song. I have extra motivation since I decided I would perform it (singing and playing) at my birthday party.

34. Raft down a river - Done!

35. See a drive-in movie - Done!

36. Take a historical home tour - Done!

37. Practice lucid dreaming - I need to give this another go.

38. Gaze at the stars - Done!

39. Send out holiday cards - Done!

40. Guest appear on a podcast - Done!

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