
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Let's Dance

I’ve lived in ten different cities since leaving home for college and managed to find a ballet studio with adult classes in almost every one.

In Juneau, I biked into town to catch the last few classes of the season. In Phoenix, I performed in the studio’s production of Coppelia, en pointe. In Okinawa (Japan), the camp liaison called studios for me until we found one that would take an American, English-speaking, twenty-five year old student. (Most of the lesson was in the traditional French, but with odd pronunciations and the occasional Japanese word.)

So far, though, Sacramento has been a bust. I haven’t found an adult ballet class I like, yet. The first studio had scant parking. The second was all barre, no dance. I need to try a third.

Jacket, Mossimo. Dress, Donna Morgan (consignment). Shoes, Nine West. Sunglasses, Coco Sunglasses. Brooch, vintage. Bag, Aldo.

I started ballet, at age eighteen, with no prior dance experience. At twenty-two, I was excited to go en pointe with an adult class at Evergreen Dance Studio, in Longview, Washington. I went on to perform in toe shoes, twice, but much prefer soft slippers. Still, the pointe shoes are dramatic!


  1. I enjoy hearing about these things you do that are so inspiring! Because of your encouragement I started jogging and in 2 years have lost 25 pounds and completely re shaped my body! I took dance classes all during my childhood but was too afraid to get back into it at the age of 45! Well guess what I am going to do next? Thank you so much for sharing this part of your life! SP

    1. Congratulations! I'm so happy to hear of your success. Dance on!

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    You truly are inspiring! I was expecting to scroll down and read how you had been dancing since you were 6.

    Lovely dance photo, as well as outfit photo.



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