
Thursday, April 28, 2016


I probably ruined my sister’s bridal party photos by squinting in every single shot. The photographer had the bride and her attendants pose in the middle of an open, golden field in direct sunlight. I’m sure the light was lovely for photographs, but my eyes just couldn’t bear it. If only we could have all worn matching sunglasses.

For my outfit photos, I have no one to please but myself, so I can stand in the shade and wear dark glasses.

Vest, AC-3998 (cut from a thrifted jacket). Shirt, Disney. Skirt, Carole Little (thrifted). Boots, Vince Camuto (consignment). Sunglasses, Coco Sunglasses. Earrings, vintage. Bag, Aldo.

I try to avoid the squints without sunglasses by posing under cover and looking at the ground, but I still look pained by sunlight.

I tried really hard not to squint in that last one. But it’s hard to overcome 40 years of closing my eyes to bright light:


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    People always think I'm odd when I have on sunglasses and put down the sun visor in the car on a cloudy day. But my eyes really enjoy it.

    Still loving this skirt and the many ways you are styling it!


  2. I can barely make a drive home from work if I forget sunglasses. When learning to weld for a sculpture class I remember being surprised that the Thai teacher said he only used a green visor, for his deep brown eyes, but suggested us with lighter eyes use the black visors... I had no idea my eye color was linked to light sensitivity!

  3. yeah... optician says the brown eyed folk have no idea what we light- eyers are complaining about


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