
Monday, February 11, 2008

Mint Chocolate Chip

Cream V-neck sweater, American Rag. Green satin blouse, Express. Brown suede skirt, Isaac Mizrahi. Brown tights, Merona. Brown boots, Nine West. Brown faux suede belt with jeweled buckle. Amber-ish beads, Body Central. Drop earrings, gifted.

Here is something I’ve observed again and again – Mint Chocolate Chip icecream is preferred by more men than women. Almost every man I’ve dated has been a Mint Chocolate Chip fan. I could take it or leave it, myself. I prefer the more buttery flavors (Butter Pecan, Praline, Caramel Ribbon), if I’m not having chocolate. What do you think?
Is Mint Chocolate Chip icecream a "guy" flavor?
Other - I'll tell you in the coments. free polls

But back to my outfit…I hardly ever wear this belt. It’s too big to sit at the waist and I’ve found that a low slung belt requires constant readjusting. By wearing it today, I’ve made a commitment to tug it back into place on a regular basis. (I did wear the belt once before, threaded through the belt loops of a low-slung mini. I liked the look, but then I had to be particular about shirt length. Too long, and the buckle doesn’t show. Too short, and I’m baring tummy.)


  1. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I'm short waisted and sometimes I wear wide belts and sashes as cummerbunds.

  2. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I never see you in black boots

  3. That's because I don't really like my black boots.

    Here is the entry from the last time I wore them.

  4. Great outfit.

    You have really inspired me with you blog, thank you.

    I have started to do soemthing similar, as a way to help me through some bad times..its great feeling I have a reason to get up and dressed in the morning. Gosh, I sound lame..


  5. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I like this alot!! That belt is great, but you are right about having to re-adjust those belts alot, its a pain and requires too much effort. I keep most of my belts at the waist, even though I'm short waisted.

  6. I love the belt.

    On the ice cream topic, my husband HATES mint chocolate chip. I didn't date much before I met DH. :)

  7. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Please get new black boots! I dont think mint chocolate chip is a guy flavor at all!

  8. Anonymous10:32 PM

    On the mint chocolate chip subject, the version at the Cyclones game had bits of brownie in it. Ptui! Ptui! Bleh! Why ruin such a wonderful flavor!

    Oh, and awesome outfit. Just realized that I need longer and shorter sweaters; the length I wore today hit me at the complete wrong length. Love the color combo.

  9. Anonymous11:10 PM

    the belt is hot!!! and you wear it well!!! i love your blog and your style...

  10. Mint chocolate chip has been my favorite ice cream since I was a little girl. I think chocolate and mint is even better than chocolate and peanut butter, though chocolate-raspberry and chocolate-orange combinations give it a run for its money.


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