
Sunday, July 27, 2008

C'est Vrai

Blouse, Charlotte Russe. Strapless dress, Mossimo (via swap). Sandals, Etienne Aigner. Earrings, World Market. Sunglasses, Big Lots.

I used to find it amusing to see the astonishment on people’s faces when they learned I was a Marine. Perhaps I’m just getting old and cranky, but when the revelation was greeted by my castmate’s laughter today, I was seriously annoyed. Maybe his levity was sparked by the juxtaposition of the news and my camo dress?

Mike will tell you that I wear this dress way too much. It's incredibly comfortable. It isn’t unheard of for me to put the dress on Saturday, sleep in it, and continue to wear it on Sunday. That’s the kind of weekend I leave undocumented. See the dress without the blouse last April.


  1. I can see why you would be annoyed. When I still played soccer, people would tell me I was way too feminine-looking to play sports. Putting aside the obvious ways to take offense from that statement, I suppose there is a backhanded compliment hidden somewhere in there...

  2. I'd be annoyed too. I think when people laugh at something in disbelief like that, they're basically saying that they don't believe you have the capability of doing/being whatever it is.
    I love that dress. I have a similar one also from Target, that is just black, and is super comfortable.

  3. I get the same reaction when I tell people I work in a Men's Lifers' Prison. Why do people stereotype?
    Nice dress though.It makes me feel better to know that you don't always dress so stylishly. I love to slob out too!

  4. By Slobbing out I meant where you mention in your post that you wear the dress at weekends to sleep in!
    I just realised my previous post may sound confusing.

  5. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Funny you post this. I too have a soft knit super cozy dress that just happens to be camo print. I must have bought it either at Target or Walmart. I love it for the sheer coziness of it. And don't feel bad, people laugh at me too when they find out I take martial arts lessons.

  6. Hey, I'm really fascinated of your unique sense of style. I found another styley on net - it coud be an inspiration for you :)

    Good luck mixin'n'matchin' :)

    Morning_Dew (Lithuania)

  7. I thought this was actually fun - the sunnies work well too!

  8. Love the way you put together a that camo print dress and a so femenine blouse, great way to sweeten things up!!

  9. Just to add my 'two cents' on your comment about people having a hard time believing that you were a Marine, I agree that it people should not laugh at you. However, honestly, I can see how they might be surprised that you were once a Marine, because you are MUCH more classy and feminine than other military women I have seen.

    Most other military women that I have either know or seen, tend to wear slacks most of the time and very little make-up. You on the other hand, seem to take great pride and go to great effort to look feminine and pretty!


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