
Monday, July 28, 2008

Too Much

Jersey shirt with collar and cuffs, Forever 21. Waistcoat, H&M. Floral skirt, Talbot’s. Belt, Xhilaration. Zebra pumps, Delicious. Bag, Vieta.

This outfit started out a little tamer (without the bag), but I couldn’t resist throwing a third, black and white pattern into the mix! For those of you who find the look overwhelming, you may be comforted to know that I broke a heel on the way in the building and am now sporting blue-green, satin ballet flats. A smart, stiletto-wearing girl always keeps backup shoes at the office.


  1. LOVE the yellow accent with the black/white - great and summery.

  2. I love all those patterns mixed together. LOVE the shoes.

  3. Aw, bummer about the shoes! I hope you can fix them. I love, love, love all the black and whites together. I probably would have done a different bright shoe - I am grooving on yellow and turquoise together.

  4. I love love love this look. Sorry about the shoes. Bummer.

  5. That's totally a bummer about the shoes. Hope they can be saved!

  6. Love the yellow with the black and white. Love love love

  7. As Stacy will tell you (as she's my bestest friend ever...and my Italy companion), I LOVE the white, black and yellow colour scheme. I also liked the multiple black and white patterns. That being said, I would have liked one other spot of yellow (broach or bracelet, something small).

    Overall, A+++

  8. This is one of my favorite looks you've put together--I think the patterns mix great!

  9. The pattern mix is fabulous!

  10. nice outfit....and me smarts too...i always keep black flats at the office as a backup :D


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