
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Cool Start

Dress and owl brooch, thrifted. Blazer, Forever 21. Tights, Hue. Boots, Nine West. Bag, Payless. Earrings, Panagea. (Pictured below: Leather jacket, Wilson’s. Scarf, World Market.)

This morning was so wonderfully fall-like and cool. This is the first time this season that I haven’t felt silly wearing tights. I’ll be sick of legwear by March, but, for the next few months, I’m looking forward to colored, patterned, and layered hosiery.


  1. ME TOO. I live by black leggings and short hemlines. I feel so tall and leggy in them!~

  2. I adore today's look, especially love the thrifted dress!

  3. Love it! So wish it would be cooler here in hot as hell Texas so I could wear my boots and jackets now. Guess I can just turn the air conditioning to the 60s. That might work.

  4. This is faboo!! You look awesome! I am so excited for fall clothing!

  5. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Nothing to say about your outfit today beside you look great! I did want to say, as a new reader who has consumed your archives and is all caught up - thank you! I've been really wanting to get more color into my mostly brown, black, blue and red wardrobe and now I have some great examples. I even wore bright green with a blue necklace yesterday since I loved your green and blue look and got so many complements! Thanks again! :)

  6. Yay for fall! Yay for layering. I love ivory and brown together, and boots with short skirts. I'm thinking I might have to buy myself some scarves. Hmm.

  7. Anonymous1:11 PM

    what, no owl bag-brooch combo?? ;) (can you tell im highly obsessed with your owl bag?!)

  8. Love the owl brooch! And how you placed it somewhere unexpected.

  9. I've never commented before, despite reading this blog for a while. However I'm on holidays this week, and have the time, PLUS I just love this outfit. Def. one of my favourites! You look great!

  10. I love this outfit so much! It's so perfectly Fall!

  11. Love the pieces today - they look great together!

  12. Anonymous1:58 PM

    this outfit is PERFECTION! I love what are you are doing here!


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