
Thursday, October 30, 2008


Skirt, Banana Republic. Blouse, Forever 21. Vest, H&M. Pumps, Delicious. Bow brooch, swap.

(I’m afraid I’m a little shiny after a 12 hour day!)

I had to look kind of normal today. We had a team meeting and I presented for a portion of it. Good thing I got to dress like a freak last night.

This is my booty skirt


  1. I love this outfit! Very classy and simple! You're so thin! If you don't mind my asking, how much do you weigh? I'm trying to lose some weight, and I think you look healthy and thin!! I hope you're not offended! :-)

  2. Sorry katie - but that's one of the few questions I won't answer on my blog. If you are looking to lose weight, I'd recommend that you focus on body fat or keep track of your measurements. The numbers on a scale don't accurately reflect body composition. Plus, it is so frustrating to see them move up and down based on the time of day or month!

  3. It works. :)

    (the skirt)

  4. Classic and elegant. This is a timeless look for you.

  5. You look so classy. I love this look but I can't wear it because I have a boyish figure :(

  6. You look very elegant and sexy! The outfit kind of reminds me of movies depicting secretaries in the `60's.

  7. Anonymous5:29 AM

    You got a sexy booty!

  8. This skirt is cool! The big ol booty looks too good in that skirts


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