
Thursday, December 04, 2008

WCC: Day 4

Turtleneck, Charlotte Russe. Dress, Lipstick. Scarf, stolen from a play. Boots, White Mountain. Tights and leggings, Target. Earrings, Claire’s. Tote (not pictured), Tommy Hilfiger

See, I DO have earrings under this mass of hair

I feel kind of like a pirate in my slouchy boots and sash belt.

I think I cheated a little today. I pulled on gray leggings over my gray tights. Tights (i.e. hosiery) are free, but I don’t think leggings are. In my defense, they are very thin leggings, so they are almost like footless tights. What do you think? Must I walk the plank or perhaps suffer a flogging?

Today’s pieces:

The black handbag will come out to play tomorrow – I promise!


  1. I could easily see myself wearing this look! Of course, I'd have to steal the clothes off you first, which wouldn't be that pleasant for you.

  2. Haha, shiver me timbers, I like this look! LOL... No walking the plank though - we'll let you get by on the leggings... j/k... good job putting together an outfit with these items!


  3. As the leggings look just like tights I think you can get away with it.
    I tried one of your twirls today but failed miserably!

  4. I like this outfit! Very cute. Yarr, we'll have to keelhaul you for the leggings, ha!

    Pfft, we wouldn't have known you had leggings on if you hadn't said anything.

  5. Cute outfit, but I'm sad to see Jane has been lenient - I was waiting to see you walk the plank. Sigh.

  6. Only one more day to go. Nobody has said anything at work yet?

    This is a great outfit. Yarrrrr!

  7. Just wondering... Do you get to wash the clothes between wearings, or does that defeat the purpose?

  8. I'm very, very impressed by your ability to mix and match these very few items. But I'm not surprised, because you do it on such a large scale with your wardrobe. If it were me, I'd last a day or two and then collapse in a heap of fabric and tears, unable to layer and mix pieces any longer. But you're rockin' each outfit. Impressive!Keep up the good work.

    And I still love that dress and those boots :)

  9. I love the boots ! where did you get them ?

  10. Every time you wear that dress I am determined to find one like it! So far, fail, but I love that you have it. :) And I really like it with the gray!
    Leggings, tights...tomato, tomahto.

  11. bekster - I didn't have the chance to wash anything between wearings. Normally, I only wash my clothing when it's stinky or stained. I DID put this dress and sweater in the hamper as soon as I got home on Thursday night! It was an intense week.

    Miss Emma Kitty - I bought the boots at Shoe Carnival last year. I LOVE them. (Can you tell?)

  12. I think this is the best use of that dress yet -- love the boots too :)


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