
Friday, December 05, 2008

WCC: Day 5

Blouse, Forever 21. Skirt, Moda International. Scarf, stolen (but it originally came from Cappel’s). Lace-up pumps, Isaac Mizrahia. Brooch, swap. Handbag, thrifted and vintage. Tote, Tommy Hilfiger.

Look, look! It’s the black handbag!

Actually, it’s a two-bag kind of day. I have my book (Duma Key) and ballet togs in the tote and will take just the handbag with me to meet Londyn for coffee.

Last day of the Wardrobe Capsule Challenge. To answer the questions I received this week regarding the challenge…

Nope. No one at work noticed. I guess my sparkling personality outshines my clothing choices. Or no one really cares what I’m wearing. (Yeah, probably the latter!)

Nope. Tights did not count as a capsule item. And I guess leggings didn’t either!

Nope. Didn’t do any laundry all week. Call me gross, but I don’t normally launder after each wearing anyway. I only wash/dry clean my clothing if stinky or spilled upon. I did don fresh tights and underwear every day. Aren’t you glad?

Nope. Didn’t get tired of the “mini-wardrobe.” I actually don’t get excited about wearing my outfits. For me, the fun is picking them out. In this case, I found the planning process to be extra challenging and entertaining. I did miss the freedom to add accessories, particularly in my hair, at the last minute.

I’ll post a recap and a poll tomorrow.

Today’s pieces:


  1. I'm glad the challenge is over. I miss your more adventurous ensembles. :-)

  2. I am glad you enjoyed it Kasmira. Thank you so much for taking part.

  3. Diddo to Stephanie N!


  4. Your clothes thank you for not abusing them in the wash or at the cleaners so often.

    You did a great job this week, but I'm looking forward to you returning your regular fare. :)

  5. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Good job, but then you're such a pro. I really missed the accessories too! I was so tempted to cheat by day three. Today is my last day and I am uninspired, so it will be basic. Love your blog, that's how I learned to use chopsticks in my hair!

  6. you did great all week!

  7. Anonymous11:32 AM

    The blouse is so beautiful and I love both bags!

  8. I loved Duma Key! Now that I live alone I could never read it again, though, because parts of it really scared me.

    The big patent bag is great, too.

  9. The blouse is truly gorgeous....didn't notice it as much earlier since you layered w/it but today it really shows up well. Is the pin on your skirt waistband? What a unique idea (that I will be totally stealing post haste, lol)!

  10. Great job!!! You did so fantastic with this challenge and if it makes you feel better depending on the item I don't launder them after every wash either.

  11. What a creative and fun idea! Only you could pull this off. I'm not sure I'd be as innovative with my wardrobe.

  12. No wonder you needed an extra bag for Duma Key - I almost put my back out carrying that thing around a few months ago.
    I'm one of your fans that's looking forward to you going back to usual too. You would do great with any wardrobe challenge, but I like it better when you're able to run wild and free, like a well-dressed pony. That didn't sound right. Like a stallion! Like the wind? Nevermind.

  13. A lovely outfit!
    I loke the brosch on the skirt!

  14. Kasmira, I love the bag soooo much !


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