
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Be Cool

Sweater, Mossimo (thrifted). Tank, Mossimo. Jeans, M. Socks, Sock Dreams. Boots, Playhouse.

In the 80’s, it was cool to match your socks to your shirt. In the naughties, it’s cool to match your shirt to your socks. Don’t be left out.

(It’s also cool to wear the same jeans two days in a row – to include sleeping in them overnight.)


  1. I don't know how you could sleep in jeans. That would drive me crazy.

  2. I stayed in the same sweats all weekend, including sleeping in them - the way I look at it; we change enough times during the damn week; if I'm not going anywhere on the weekend, what is the point?
    But yeah, the only time I've ever slept in jeans is when I passed out.

  3. Lovely outfit, i love the sweater!

  4. Sometimes I'm so tired I consider sleeping in my clothes and I always think about you doing it :) Definitely something to reserve for the weekend! haha


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