
Monday, January 12, 2009

Good Colors

Sweater, Gap. Dress, thrifted and vintage. Tights, Macy’s. Boots, Nine West. Bag, MCI (thrifted). Ring, Jan Michaels San Francisco. Earrrings, Ali’s Boutique.

These are a couple of my best colors. I look good in blue-green (cerulean), no matter what my hair color. It brings out my eyes and enhances the ivory of my skin. You wouldn’t think it, but cream is another good color for me. However, as soon as the off-white deepens towards ecru or khaki, all the color drains from my face. Does anyone else have trouble with khaki?


  1. I love khaki, but unless there's black, navy or another dark color near my face with it, I look dead.

  2. Great choice of Blue. It truly stands out and looks good on you, especially the earrings!

  3. such a nice color!

  4. I look washed out in khaki.

    I love this blue on you! The peacock earrings are lovely - I nearly bought some on the weekend, but they were $22 and it just seemed like too much.

  5. I love this outfit!

  6. I love this dress/cardi combo!

  7. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I can't do khaki.. it just makes me look undead. I love that cardi! The color is great on you.

  8. Yeah, this does look really nice on you!!

  9. I just recently discovered that off-white actually works for me. I have the same problem with khaki that you mention. However, I noticed that bright white next to my face is terrible, so I tried off-white and it is great, AS LONG AS I have some darker color in my outfit somewhere to balance it out. This makes me think that perhaps khaki could work, even next to the face, if the right other colors were with it.

    But, that blue is just gorgeous, especially with your hair color and those earrings. I wore my peacock earrings yesterday with a shirt that same color and a brown knotted sweater/wrap. I also wore my brown Nine West boots today. Great minds...

  10. I'm one of those weird people who suit khaki - I think because my skin is quite olive? Who knows. Anyway, you do look gorgeous in this shade of green-blue!

  11. Yes, this blue is definitely your color!

    I'm fine with khaki, as long as they remain on the bottom half as actual khakis. It seems to bring out the yellow-undertones in my face so that year when every sweater at the Gap was camel-colored? I wore black. So sad. But I can wear yellow!

  12. LOVE this outfit!

    This blue is my absolute favorite color.

    I can't do khaki either - blech!

    I think we have very similar coloring. Lucky me!

  13. Anonymous10:20 AM

    That dress is so sweet looking - what a find. Also, the blue is great on you!

  14. i LOVE this outfit, you look gorgeous, love everything!

  15. Love that cardigan!

    We have similar coloring and I also looked washed out in khaki & beige tones...but ivory works for me under the right circumstances.

  16. Same for me too. blues = great, but khaki (and yellow and orange) = really bad. . .

  17. I love this color blue - it's great on redheads :)

  18. I really love your hair, specially the colour... and your outfit, of course, very stylish and original!
    Nice blog :)

  19. Blue-based reds, pinks and greens are my best colours. Yellow or green based colours wash me right out. I can't even wear white-white for that exact reason.

  20. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Couldn't agree more about khaki. It's great as pants or a skirt or even a jacket with a brighter or deeper color. But by itself - drain!

    I find that camel has the same effect on me. It makes me sort of monotone.

  21. this outfit looks amazing on you!


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