
Monday, February 23, 2009


Sweater, vintage. Dress, Max Studio. Boots, Rampage. Leggings, Forever 21. Purse, vintage and thrifted. Earrings, Camp Foster PX.

The Big Messy Side Bun (BMSB) is one of my favorite hairstyles at the moment.


  1. I am planning on wearing my fur wrap tomorrow! I almost wore it today :)

    Very pretty - and love the hair too!

  2. Ooh, I like this look. It's a little "crazy fur vintage lady" - that's a good thing!

    Love the bun. Am jealous of the bun. *sigh*

  3. LOooooooooooVe the outfit and the bun! YES! AWESOME!

  4. Vintage fur and boot lady! I love it!! Those new boots are adorable with that outfit!!!

  5. The BMSB looks fantastic - I so need to try that!

  6. I love the side bun.. I miss having long hair because of that reason alone. When I try to do it now, it just looks like a little nub haha!

    PS Love those boots!

  7. When cometh the bun tutorial?

  8. I just realized when I looked at this pic again - I have those same boots! I almost wore them today too, but changed my mind last minute. How funny.

  9. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Thank you that helped me a lot and I love the boots try skinny jeans with them


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