
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Experiment No 587

Cardigan, Moda International. Tank, Apt 9. Skirt, Edie Bauer. Tights, Apostrophe. Sandals, Nine West. Headband, Forever 21. Belt, swap.

Lately, I’ve been curious about red and purple. Can they be worn together without looking like a reject from the Red Hat Society? This is actually my first attempt, not the five hundred and eighty seventh.

Crazy crochet tights


  1. Good tried, but I thought it's a bit much when combine these two stunning color together.

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I think breaking the colors up with black works great. LOVE those tights.

  3. Let's never speak of this again..


  4. I like red and purple. Together, apart, hats, no hats, whatever. And black goes with everything. I like it. JMHO.

  5. I love it. I do. I think the black does something that I can't quite put my finger on, but I like it.

  6. Anonymous3:06 PM

    i like it in theory, but im not sure that this outfit hits the nail on the head. perhaps of those crocheted tights were worn overtop of a pair of red tights? and maybe add in a purple necklace? the feather adds a good touch, though i didnt notice it at first. maybe a different shade of red, closer to a burgundy?
    just my thoughts...

  7. This all works for me except for the tights and shoes combo. That's too busy for my taste.

  8. I love purple and red together, I think it looks so cute.I have a pair of red shoes that I wear ALL the time, especially with a deep plum.
    Thumbs up! :)

  9. Red and purple is one of my favorite color combinations. I paint and use them together a lot. I also love green and purple together (darker teal-side greens with rich purples).

    Good job tying in the black to keep the outfit from looking Red Hat.

  10. i love doing red and purple together, try gray as your neutral next time- it softens the brightness of the two colors in a way black never could! love the tights too!

  11. Anonymous8:58 PM

    My best friend gave me a pair of patterned purple tights similar to these when she moved to a warmer clime, and she set off a patterned tight obsession with me. I tend to wear 'em with black (or my brown ones tone on tone with all brown), but I like your guts when it comes to colour - nice to see someone who's not afraid to try neat combos (red and purple: very regal ....).

  12. I love the red and purple together, but I agree with evanadine: you need some other purple accent (a necklace, scarf or something - is the feather in your hair purple? can't see it).

    Otherwise, I think this is a great outfit - love the tights!

  13. The very next blog I read also had red & purpole, so I came back to add fuel for thought...

  14. I usually can't even stand to see the words "red" and "purple" near each other, let alone think of wearing the colors together. But, I'm kind of liking this.

  15. I like this outfit a lot. The slender fit of the skirt and the stylish cardi along w/that great belt buckle make this absolutely NOT a Red Hat Society reject look. And even though I like the shoes, I can't really tell from the pic, but if there isn't enough contrast w/the purple and black it could almost look like an old frumpy shoe ... you know those utilitarian styles? So, if there's enough contrast, which it looks, like there is then I like the whole look. As Sheila and evanadine said, some purple accents would make this a bit more pulled together ... but I do like the outfit.

  16. I think it works when you don't use either as the main color in the outfit, or just use one as a small pop. i think today's outfit works well because the big splashes are separated by a neutral.

  17. I'd probably mix it with gray, which I think someone up there mentioned already. Also maybe if the skirt was shorter? I don't know but the length seems to compete with the tights. LOVE it in theory.

    Can I just say you're great? I come here everyday to see what you're wearing. Keep it up!

  18. My wedding colors were red and purple! I like it. :)

  19. Hm... I think the fact that the tights are crocheted makes the effect too busy overall. But by all means keep on with the experiment!

  20. I'm totally okay with the way you mixed red and purple. I think they are separated enough to work. I love the pattern on those tights.

  21. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I kind of think the purple is too bright to go with this red. It doesn't seem coherent- but I like the idea! I also agree that the shoes/tights combo is a little busy. I love the belt and the skirt though!

  22. I'm a great fan of red & purple, but don't let that stop you! I think this outfit looks great & I love the tights.
    BTW, I saw that you were the biggest contributor to wardrobe remix. Congrats! You are a real inspiration for me not just in pursuing your own personal vision, but in the excellent & creative ways you document your wardrobe.
    Am still waiting for us both to be wardrobe remixers of the week.........

  23. People never believe me when I say this, but red + purple is one of my favorite color combos! It doesn't sound 'til you see it.


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