
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ten Point Two

Scarf, Images (gift). Sweater, Body Central (you guys sick of this one yet?) Striped tank, Express. Pants, Old Navy. Boots, Playhouse. Sunnies, Hawaiian Tropic. Jacket, Wilson’s Leather.

This outfit is a combination of what I wore on Boxing Day and "Wrestling” Day:


  1. The "Boxing/Wrestling Day Combo" deal looks like a hands-down WINNER. The boots/jacket pairing is SUPERB as is the red-striped "under-shirt" (which looks like a very cool and colorful belt:) --- The scarf is a TERRIFIC touch. Great outfit for Spring OR Fall. Well done.

  2. Very, very cute. I love the colors together.

  3. Very awesome!

    Somewhat unrelated, but I have been checking back all today, and all yesterday, but this post only appeared now.

  4. Sick of this sweater? Never. In fact, I wish I had one just like it. I love mustard yellow and only recently discovered it looks good on pretty much everybody.


  5. Rosie Unknown - due to limited internet access, I sometimes post later than the date listed.

  6. Can you please post one of your great "how-to" videos on how to tie a scarf like this? I love the look but have no idea how to achieve it. I'm sure it's easy but I'm clueless. Thanks!

  7. i love this outfit - the colours, the jacket, the scarf. I'm trying to don on a scarf more often but it seems kind of silly to do that in my sunny little island.


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